14 | biological warfare

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"Hey, hey, hey," Bellamy swung out an arm in front of her, "What's wrong?"

Evelynn didn't answer, she just pushed his arm away from her and stepped around more metal scraps that covered the burned ground. She only stopped when his palm rested gently on her shoulder, "Talk to me."

She turned herself around to face him. She opened and closed her mouth a couple times, debating her words. Finally she just shook her head lightly, refusing to talk. He stared at her for a few lingering seconds, pausing, "It's okay. You don't have to talk."

Evelynn sighed a little, a brief second of relief. Bellamy was her relief. She decided to stay by him, both of them watching delinquents shuffle through ash and debris.

Her eyes glanced up at where the Ark was. She had memorized where it sat in the sky, watching it light up like a star at night. Even during the day, there was a distant blinking you could spot from it.

But there was no light coming from the Ark. It had gone completely dark after the Exodus ship launched. The thought that the Ark had shut down began to seem like more and more of a possibility. Meaning, if the people on the Ark didn't die in the exploding Exodus ship, they will soon be dead due to lack of oxygen.

Her mom had been dead, Abby's now dead, her dad will soon be dead. All the delinquents will soon be dead when the war comes.

Her fingers rubbed on the metal music box she still held in her pocket, attempting to hold onto a piece of her parents.

"Fire in the hole!" Raven shouted. She tossed a small rock into a fire a few feet from her. As soon as the rock met the ground it exploded, the echo ringing through the area. "We need to clear the area." Raven yelled to Bellamy who nodded to her.

Evelynn felt relieved at the statement, she was more than ready to leave. The whole place had a creepy atmosphere that was wearing everyone down, as if ghosts were nipping at the backs of their necks.

"Okay then," Bellamy stepped onto a metal piece that was wedged into the ground, giving him a few inches of elevation as he shouted, "We move in formation, no straggling, weapons hot. We have to be back before dark."

»»————- ★ ————-««

"Bellamy!" A voice called out as the group entered the camp. Evelynn followed close behind Bellamy as he approached Harper, who called him.

"Murphy's back. He's in the dropship. He's—" Harper was instantly cut off by Bellamy blindly tearing through people to get to the dropship, his eyes blazing in rage. Evelynn muttered a light "thank you" to Harper before running after Bellamy.

"Murphy!" Bellamy roared, shoving the sheets of the dropship out of his way, "Where is he?"

The giant group of delinquents who were huddled opened their circle for Bellamy and revealed John Murphy, except it looked nothing like him.

Every inch of his body, every piece of flesh and was covered in blood. Dry and fresh blood cascaded down his whole person, it was hard to tell where the injuries ended and where Murphy began.

Evelynn stumbled back a few steps from the scene subconsciously, guilt from Murphy's condition crashing into her like a sweeping tidal wave that felt as if it could knock her over.

Bellamy spoke again, wide eyes, not moving from Murphy, "Everyone but Connor and Derek out. Now!"

The room began to clear out as Bellamy asked, except for Evelynn, Finn, and Clarke, who unsurprisingly refused to listen to Bellamy.

𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐯𝐞 ☆ bellamy blake ¹Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ