Chapter Fifteen

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"Not guilty."

Molly startled and looked up from where she sat on the couch. John sat beside her, holding her hand to reassure her that she wasn't alone. They both stared up at Mycroft as he entered 221B Baker Street. He stood in front of them and set his umbrella in front of him.

"Considering the circumstances and the evidence of Pauline's lack of mental stability, the jury ruled Sherlock as not guilty on the terms of self-defense and defense of another. A search of her flat revealed a rudimentary file on Moriarty and notes on how she would have been better. She's a copycat but I suppose with experience, influence, and no history of psycho or sociopathy, it drove her a bit..." He tipped his head. "It was not mentioned, as you noticed, that he sent Inspector Lestrade away." He raised his brows briefly. "It seems my brother has the devil's luck."

"So he's coming home." Molly said. A slow smiled spread across her face.

"Yes." A voice said. They turned to find Sherlock standing in the doorway. Molly leapt up and ran to him, throwing her arms around his waist and burying her face in his chest. He wrapped his arms around her and sighed, closing his eyes.

Mycroft brushed past him. John followed him down the stairs. "Mycroft!" He turned. John held a hand out and nodded shortly. "Thank you."

Mycroft smiled wanly. "Yes, of course." He shook John's hand and turned to leave. "Good day, Doctor Watson."

Meanwhile, upstairs, the flat was silent. Sherlock had his arms wrapped tightly around Molly and his lips sealed to hers. Her hands stroked gently through his hair and she leaned up on her toes to reach him. Sherlock pulled back eventually, his eyes bright and his breath coming in short gasps.

"Is that a yes?" He asked.

She nodded and rested her head on his chest. "I want the left side though."


"And I'm keeping Toby."

"I can handle that."

He pulled away slowly and went to the kitchen. Rummaging in a drawer, he straightened and held out a key. Molly took it and tucked it into her pocket with a smile. "Thank you." She said quietly.

He opened his mouth to reply when his phone rang. Sighing, he answered it. "Sherlock Holmes." He grimaced and held the phone away from his ear. "Yes, Mummy. I'm fine. Yes, of course Mycroft stepped in."

He groaned and rubbed his eyes. Molly laughed. "Mummy, I have someone who might like to speak with you." He handed the phone to Molly and went to plop down in his chair. Molly rolled her eyes.

"Hello, Mrs. Holmes. Yes, it's me. I'm wonderful, thank you. And you?" She wandered around the flat and spoke happily with his mother. Sherlock rocked his head back against the chair and sighed. She tapped his shoulder. "She wants us to come visit for a late Christmas." She whispered.

He slumped in the chair and look fatalistic. Molly laughed. "We'd love to come down. See you in a few days." The phone dropped into his lap. Sherlock glared at it and then at Molly.

"I hate you." He muttered.

She laughed and kiss him again. "No you don't."


"Again with the closed door, brother?" Mycroft raised a critical brow at Sherlock's closed bedroom door.

"Shut up Mycroft." He turned back to John. "You know... Sherlock is a girl's name."

John laughed and shook his head. "No, it's not."

"It was worth a try."

"We're not naming our daughter after you."

The bedroom door opened and Mycroft took a startled step back. He blinked. Molly skirted around him and went to the kitchen with a mumbled 'good morning.' Mycroft turned his wide eyes to his brother, who only smiled. Returning with a cup of coffee, Molly went to Sherlock's cluttered music stand. She looked at the paper that sat on top.

"Composing again?" She asked, sleepily.


"What are you calling it?"

"Variazoni, I think."

"Nice." She nodded and sipped her coffee. Her hand nervously tugged down the shirt that just barely covered the tops of her thighs. "I'm gonna take a quick shower and then I'll be all set to go." She skirted around Mycroft again and went into the bedroom. John snickered at the civil servant's scandalized expression.

Sherlock stood and placed two fingers under his brother's chin. He closed his mouth and went towards the bedroom. "We'll meet you there, Mycroft. Something tells me Molly will need help with her shower." He smirked and closed the door.

A muffled yelp was heard moments later, followed by deep laughter. The door opened and Molly ran into the bathroom. Mycroft turned away and made to leave.

"He's decided to keep the goldfish. Wonderful." He muttered dryly before closing the door behind him. John stood and stretched, grabbing his coat and hurrying out before he heard anything he wasn't prepared for.


This is actually the end of it. I don't know where to go from here, sorry it's a bit abrupt. I thought to have Sherlock propose but I don't really want them married because of Sherlock's abhorrence for the act. So they've moved in together at least.

So that's the end! Thank you for sticking with me through all this! I hope it lived up to expectations, despite the ending. :) Gonna go start a new book now. Woo!

Variazoni (Sherlolly II)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang