Chapter Twelve

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Sherlock climbed the stairs to enter the abandoned factory that served as a drug den nowadays, He pointed a group of boys lying stoned on the floor. “You. Where’s Harry?”

One of the boys looked up, his dazed eyes taking in Sherlock’s sweats and jacket. He pointed lazily to the back. Sherlock stepped over him, wrinkling his nose at the smell or urine, vomit, and unwashed bodies. Going into a room at the back, he found three boys sitting around a table. The one in the middle looked up. He was pale and dirty but looked far better than his companions, who were obviously waiting for their next fix to kick in.

Sherlock sat. Harold, the one in the middle, smiled. “Shezza.” He said affectionately. “How can I ‘elp ya?”

“Intel, Harry. You’ve heard about the murders?”

“Course. What d’ya need?” Harry bent and cracked something open. He smiled at Sherlock and held up two bottles of beer. Sliding one across, he sat back and sipped his own.

“What’s the word around here?” Sherlock took a sip, wrinkling his nose at the taste. He took another sip, noting it wasn’t as terrible the second time.

“Well… What can you gimme for info?”

Sherlock slid a stack of bills across. Harry counted it up and then grinned. “Now we’re talking. Word ‘round ‘ere is, it’s a woman. And she ain’t got no hit list or reason. Just wants to ‘ave a bit o’ fun.”


“Doctor Watson?”

Sherlock shook himself awake, looking around with dazed eyes and a pounding head. His vision blurred and he sighed heavily, trying to blink the fuzz out of his mind. He vaguely remembered the night, the way the beer had tasted and the way Harry had laid him down after telling him what he knew. Everything was fuzzy from there.

“Where am I?” A voice said.

“Arse-end of the universe with the scum of the Earth. Look at me?” Sherlock frowned. He knew that voice.

“Have you come for me?”

“Do you think I know a lot of people here?” Sherlock turned slowly, squinting at the blurry figure behind him. “Hey, you alright?”

“Oh! Hello, John. Didn’t expect to see you here.” John turned slowly, shock and anger mixing in his expression. “Have you come for me too?”

John helped the other boy up and pointed him towards the door. “Mary’s outside, go to the car while I deal with this bloody idiot.” He turned and wrapped his arms around Sherlock, pulling him to his feet. “What the hell do you think you’re doing here?”

Sherlock followed the other boy out, wiping his eyes groggily. “Working.”

“No, you’re high! You’re back at it aren’t you? Why couldn’t you call or say something?! Are you so desperately bored that you had to come back to this?”

The door to the factory flew off its hinges. Sherlock stumbled out, squinting as the sun burned into his eyes. “For God’s sakes, John. I’m on a case.”

“A month. That’s all it took. One!”

“I’m working.” He leapt over a railing and climbed down to the ground.

“Sherlock Holmes in a drug den, how is that going to look?”

“I’m undercover.”

“No, you’re not!”

Oh god! He threw his hands up. “Well, I’m not now!” He shouted. A car pulled up. Mary glared out the window.

“In, both of you, quickly.” Sherlock rolled his eyes and got in, sliding into the middle as the boy who minded the den got in as well.

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