Variazoni (Sherlolly II)

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Book Two. After his fall from fame and the roof of Bart’s, Sherlock must remain in the shadows while he endeavors to dismantle Moriarty’s network. Molly and Mycroft are his only anchors. As the two years stretch on, Sherlock finds himself seeking the comfort of Molly more and more. When he returns, he finds he isn’t quite so ready to return to normal - not as far as she’s concerned. Alone in 221B and struggling to stop a motiveless serial killer, Sherlock finds that the ten year tune that dictates his relationship with Molly has gotten old. It’s time for a change.


Alright, so this is only chapter one but I'm posting it to let you all know that I have definitely started it. I'm struggling on chapter 4 right now and want to get a little farther ahead before I post anything more. But for now... here's chapter one. 

Credit to the cover artist: Nero749 on deviantart. I only found it on Google and added the title.

Variazoni (Sherlolly II)Where stories live. Discover now