Chapter Ten

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Sherlock slumped in his chair and stared at John's chair. He hadn't seen much of his blogger lately and cases had been sparse. He had begun to hate the silence that had come over the flat. He had no questions burning away in his mind, nothing to stimulate him. Criminals as of late had been so useless. Mrs. Hudson had been puttering about, cleaning the flat. He sighed and rubbed his hand over his eyes.

The door downstairs opened and heavy steps bounded upwards. Sherlock felt a spark of interest and joy at the sound of John’s approach. He quickly masked it by picking up the discarded newspaper that lay beside his chair.

“It’s official!” John said, breathing heavily. He grinned at Sherlock and plopped into his chair, the smell of the cool night air lingering around him.

“Hm? What?” Sherlock feigned disinterest, staring resolutely at the newspaper.

“Mary and I are officially engaged as of… twenty minutes ago. God, it feels good.”

“You were already officially engaged. You put a ring on her finger you mean.”

“Yeah, that. Sherlock? I know you’re not reading.”

He could hear the smile in John’s voice. With a resigned sigh, he lowered the paper and looked at John. “Congratulations, I suppose.”

John pursed his lips. “Listen… I know you think this is the end of it or something. But I’m stickin’ around. Alright?”

Sherlock gave him a look as if to say “yeah, and?” He stood quickly and went to the kitchen to absently nudge around his equipment. “Of course, John. I wasn’t expecting anything different. After all, what would your life be like without me?” He managed a smile that he hoped looked more confident than he felt.

John huffed in amusement. “Quieter. I might actually be less at risk for heart problems due to stress. You know, sometimes I’m surprised your brother hasn’t had a stroke.”

“Sometimes I’m disappointed.” Sherlock muttered. He smiled at John’s laugh. “Was that it then? You came to smile and tell me how happy you are?”

“Well yeah… That’s what friends do, you know. Share good things and be happy for each other.”

“Oh, I’m supposed to be happy for you.” He smiled widely and raised his brows. “Congratulations, John. I’m so very happy for you.” His smile fell. “How’s that?”

John rolled his eyes and sighed. “Never mind. I’ve got to get back, anyway.”

“Mmm…” Sherlock hummed absently. He waited for the door to close and the sound of a cab pulling away from the curb. Moments later, he grabbed his coat and hurried out. He hailed a cab and pulled his phone out as he slipped in. Quickly muttering the address, he settled back and pulled up a number.

Where do you keep your tea? SH


Tea. Where. SH

You know where. I haven’t moved it. Why are you in my flat?

Waiting for you. SH


He paid the fare and jumped out. Going in and heading upstairs, he quickly unlocked the door to the flat. Searching the cupboards, he pulled out some tea and turned the kettle on. He sighed and settled onto the couch, laying on his side. He pulled his phone out.


I need you. SH

The response was immediate.

Variazoni (Sherlolly II)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin