Chapter Eleven

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Sherlock groaned and cracked his back as he finished moving John's chair out of the way. It had simply sat there, taunting him since the wedding and he couldn't take it anymore at this point. He sighed and ran a hand roughly through his hair, trying to think of what he could do now. His fingers twitched as restless energy urged him to move. Suddenly realizing that there was no one here to stop him, he smiled and went for the slipper he kept under the couch. Pulling out a cigarette and a light, he laid back and grinned.

He was about to flick the lighter's wheel when the bell rang. Groaning, he went downstairs to answer it. Mrs. Hudson was out and the person would just keep ringing since it sounded like someone he knew - going by the length of the ring.

Opening the door and stepping aside, he lit the cigarette and took a long, slow drag. He sighed and opened his eyes. Molly stood in front of him, her hands clenched into fists and her face streaked with dried tears. He cursed inwardly.

What did I do? Looking her over, he noticed the corner of a soiled tissue peeking out of her pocket. She was dressed in comfortably baggy sweats and a tee, looking normal for once. Cat hair clung stubbornly to her black sweats and her hair was disheveled.

She smacked him. He blinked, staring in shock at the cigarette as it rolled out the door. His head whipped the other way as she smacked him again. And again.

"Why is it always you?!" She shouted finally.


"Always getting in the way, ruining everything. Why?"

"Whatever it is, I'm sorry. Also sorry your engagement's over. Though I'm very grateful for the lack of a ring." He rubbed his jaw and stretched it. Shaking his head, he closed the door and went up the stairs. "Tea?"

She followed him upstairs. "You don't even care, do you? Molly Hopper's sad again. Oh well, at least I can play on her loneliness and get some organs! You're a right b-"

"I didn't do anything!" He snapped. He slammed the door and backed her towards it. She stared up at him, her eyes wide and breath coming in short gasps now. "You're the one who barged into my flat and began accusing me of breaking up your relationship with Tom. But everybody knows you're not over me. You never were. You were with him because he looked like me. And that's about as close as you're going to get. But he's not as clever, is he, Molly? He's not a genius and he's not really interested in your work. He was nice. But nice never seems to cut it for you. I didn't do anything to you. You left me. No, I can't be satisfied that you have someone. I can't let you be happy because..." He broke off and stepped back, his eyes wide. Shaking his head, he let the matter drop and went to his chair. "I have things to do. If you're finished... Door's behind you."

She stared at him, walking towards the chair slowly. "Because what?"

He looked up and frowned. "Hm?"

"You can't let me be happy because what?"

"Never mind. Bit on edge, sorry. Nothing to do, need a smoke, the flat's too quiet. Ignore all that." He waved it away and grabbed his laptop from the table. Opening it, he sat back down and absently scrolled through John's blog.

"No, what were you going to say?"

He grit his teeth. Leave it, Molly. "Nothing! Go away. Go cry with Toby over a tub of ice cream or something. Do people actually do that?"


"Because you're not with me!" He shouted. He closed his eyes and ducked his head, sighing through his nose. "You've never been happy with anyone since you left me. God knows why but I've always been the one you wanted. But that's not going to happen anytime soon so you may as well resign yourself to being unhappy like the rest of us."

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