Part one

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Harriet's pov
Hi I'm Harriet bowers and I am 15 years old . I have dirty blonde hair that comes halfway down my back and icy blue eyes. And I've recently moved from the uk to America more specifically Derry. At my old school I was considered a devil trapped inside an angled body but I can't see it . I hate who I hate and I like who I like . I'm moving in with my dad and brother Butch Bowers and Henry Bowers. Henry's slightly older than me . Our mom left when she was pregnant with me . I moved because I couldn't stand not knowing my brother and father. Plus mom got a new boyfriend who didn't like me at all. So I made a phone call and now I'm in Derry bus station.

'Harriet' my father said as he opened the door. 'Hi pa' I said hugging him. Dad flinched at the contact but I let it slide. 'Your gonna be sharing a room with Henry . He's already left for school but you can stay here and sort you stuff out' dad said . 'Thanks for taking me in pa . Ma's new bloke hated me and I couldn't stay there' I said as dad showed me to my room. 'I told henry to clean up but you know boys I have to go to work so make yourself at home . Foods in the fridge'  dad said . 'Pa' I said in my thick British accent. 'Yes Harriet or is it Hattie' dad said . 'Er either where can I put my clothes' I said . Dad opened the wardrobe and pushed Henry's clothes to one side 'in there till I can get you one' dad said . 'See you later Hattie' dad said walking out . I hung all my clothes up and then laid on the bed and fell asleep.

I woke up a few hours later and saw it was 2:39 . So I decided to get my lazy ass out of bed and change out of what I was wearing. And changed into this .

I wandered around for a little while and found myself at a little coffee shop

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I wandered around for a little while and found myself at a little coffee shop. I ordered a pumpkin spiced latte then realised I only had English money on me. 'Hi do you know where I could get this changed up' I said to the girl behind the counter. 'Erm bank your British Right' the girl said . 'Is it that easy' I laughed . 'Take this I'm getting of work in a second I'll pay for this then I'll take you to the bank . The names Lilia' Lilia said handing me the coffee. 'Cheers love' I said before walking outside. As Lilia promised she was out in five minutes. 'I never caught your name' Lilia said with a coffee in hand . 'Harriet' I said smiling . 'Not gonna lie your hot' I said looking forward. 'Thanks' Lilia said blushing 'your not to bad yourself' she laughed as I slung my arm around her shoulder. 'I haven't seen you around here before' Lilia said . 'Na I just moved here was living with my ma but now I'm living with my pa and brother' I said . We walked to the bank and changed my money up . 'Let's get something to eat Lilia' I said walking into a little cafe. Lilia followed me .

'Hey gorgeous' a lad said kissing Lilia. 'Hey' Lilia said 'oh sorry Steve this is Hattie . Hattie this is Steve'  Lilia said . 'Allo Steve' I said in an Australian accent. 'Oh you from Australia' Steve said 'nah lad I'm  British' I laughed with Lilia. 'Sorry girls what would you like to eat' Steve said . 'I could die for a bacon buttie and a cuppa' I said . 'I'm sorry what' Steve laughed . ' a bacon sandwich and a cup of tea' I said. 'Yeah I knew that' Steve laughed . 'Same as usual' Lilia said. 'It will be a little while' Steve said walking off. 'So what's up with you and the sex god' I laughed 'I heard that thanks Hattie' Steve laughed. 'He's my boyfriend' Lilia laughed. 'Oh sorry for calling him a sex god' I said . 'Nah it's cool he basically had the whole of seventh grade drawling over him.' Lilia laughed .

We talked until Steve came over with our food.  'Thanks mate' I said before sipping the tea. Lilia had a salad. 'Girl you don't need any salad your bear skinny' I said biting the buttie. 'I'm What' Lilia said. 'You Americans. Your so skinny' I said . 'Well I dated this twat face and he said I would look so much prettier if I was skinner' Lilia said . 'And who may this dick be' I asked . 'Some guy called Patrick Hockstetter' Steve said sitting next to Lilia. 'You got a good one Steve she's bear peng' I said . 'I'm What' Lilia laughed again . I groaned remembering I was talking British slang. 'Really hot' I laughed . 'Yeah and she's all mine' Steve said . 'Ahh share' I joked.

Me Lilia and Steve Jones and talked till we were done eating. 'Have you finished your tea' I said to Lilia getting up and putting my jacket back on. 'I didn't have any tea' Lilia said looking confused. 'Sorry, dinner' I corrected. She nodded and kissed Steve goodbye. 'See you Soon Hattie' Steve said giving me a hug. 'Bye Steve' I laughed . Me and Lilia walked up the road talking about crap until a blue trans am drove past. 'Sick car' I said to Lilia . 'Stay away from them they are the bowers gang' . 'Oi fuck boys' I shouted at the car. 'What are you doing' Lilia said. The car pulled over and a group of four boys got out. 'Which one of you two said that' the boy with dirty blonde hair said (an henry don't have a mullet it's 2018) . 'Me what you gonna do about it' I said pushing Lilia behind me. 'Hi babe' the lanky boy with dark hair said . 'Which one of your losers is Henry bowers' I said bravely. 'Me' Henry said . 'Are you not gonna say hi to your sister then'

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