Chapter 4

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I wake up the next day and I'm feeling great. I check my scroll and saw that it was 7 in the morning. I got up and took a shower then got some regular clothes on. I get out of the bathroom and Dean and Seth are both awake and ask.

Seth "Why are you up at the moment on a Saturday?"

YN "I was going to Vale today to get some things."

Dean "Oh.... Yeah that's right."

Seth "Oh I remember I'm not going."

Dean "And you can count me out."

YN "I didn't say I wanted you two to come along."

Seth "Then whose going with you?"

Just as he asked that a knock could be heard from the door. I open it to reveal Ruby in her normal outfit.

Ruby "YN. Are you ready to leave or am I early?"

YN "You're right on time. Just let me grab my wallet and we can leave."

I close the door. Dean and Seth ask.

Dean "YN. Do you already have a girlfriend?"

Seth "I didn't that you had it in you."

YN "Really? We're just going out to Vale today that's all."

Dean "Sounds like a date to me."

YN "Whatever I gotta go. I'll see you two later on."

I grab my wallet and walked out the door and I say to Ruby."

YN "Shall we?"

She nods and we head out to the bullheads and got into one then it took off. Theres a silence between the two of us then Ruby decides to break it.

Ruby "So... How long have you known your teammates?"

YN "Ever since I left Signal that day and from that day on the three of us became brothers."

Ruby "That's nice. When I first came here, I ran into Weiss Schnee who later on became my partner and she didn't like me at all. She questioned me being the leader and said that she should have been team leader instead of me, but that night she lightened up to me and we became close friends."

I smiled at her as she was explaining these things to me and said.

Ruby "Oh YN. I want to say sorry about my sister trying to attack you last night."

YN "It's not your fault you don't need to apologize. As a matter of fact, she caused most of this to happen by doing this all those years ago and it was strange like one day her and her friends decided to mess with me and bully me so I don't hold anything against you but your sister I cant really get along with her."

Ruby "It's fine and I don't blame you. If someone did that to me, I wouldn't forgive them."

The bullhead lands and we get out and as we are walking, we walk past a bakery.

YN "Now Ruby when we get finished getting what we need to get I'll b-

She wasn't next to me instead she was looking in the window at the cookies and all the sweets. A man then comes out and says to her.

Man "You want one?"

Ruby nods her head, but he then says to her.

Man "I'll give you one if you come to my van."

YN "Nice try you siiiick freak. Get out of here."

Man "And who are you supposed to be?"

YN "Someone who doesn't take kindly to perverted old men like yourself trying to get my friend to get in your van, so you can molest and rape her."

Man "I tried to be nice, but now you don't have a choice but to give her over."

He aims a pistol at me.

YN "Go ahead shoot me. I dare you."

He then fires a bullet and it bounces off my chest. I grabbed his gun and broke the son of a bitch in half. Then bitch slapped him knocking him out.

YN "So get cookies now or later?"

Ruby "Can we get them now?"

YN "Sure."

We head inside, and Ruby gets a bag full of cookies and she is really happy about having them. I check my wallet and I still have a huge amount of money left.

YN "Alright come on let's go Ruby."

Ruby "Okay."

Seth's Pov

As Dean and I are walking around, we end up running into Blake and her friends. Blake just gives me a glare.

Seth "What are you looking at?"

She said nothing and Dean said.

Dean "Don't you think somethings up with them?"

Seth "What do you mean?"

Dean "The way they were looking at us. Almost like they are planning something."

Seth "Now that I think about it you're right."

We got to the training room and all of a sudden, we are surrounded by Blake, Nora, Ren, Team CRDL and Yang.

Cardin "Oh what's the matter you don't have your big friend here with you to save you now."

We are outnumbered; however, we aren't going down without a fight. We run at Team CRDL and we begin punching them, but we get held back and all of them take turns beating the crap out of us.

About 10 to 15 minutes go by and they let us go and we fall to the ground.

YN's Pov

We decided to relax and sit down for a bit. Ruby sits down in front of me looking at me and said.

Ruby "Today has been fun."

YN "Yeah it has."

She then smiles and hands me a cookie.

Ruby "Here I want you to have one."

YN "Thanks."

I eat it and it's pretty good.

YN "That was a good cookie."

Then all of a sudden, I get a call on my scroll.

YN "Excuse me ruby."

I got up and answered the call.

YN "Hello?"

Seth "YN."

YN "Whats up Seth?"

Seth "We ah are in th-the Infirmary."

YN "Wait a minute what why are you in the infirmary?"

Seth "We were attacked."

YN "Are you serious?"

Then his scroll cuts off. I ball my hand up into a fist and yelled.


I punched the tree next me putting my whole arm through it.

Ruby "YN. What's wrong?"

YN "We have to get to Beacon."

Ruby "Why?"

YN "Seth and Dean were attacked."

End of chapter 4

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