(22)Nightfall (Part 1)

Start from the beginning

The servants placed a few plates of different, appetizing foods around the table while we continued to question Hemera. I shook my head; "You're scared of the water?"

"A bit."

"I never knew that..." Apollo said softly and his eyes melted at the sight of her so vulnerable. His eyes were practically heart-shaped and filled with love.

"There is honestly nothing to be scared of- I know it's easy for me to say, and yes, the ocean can be dangerous, but I need to take you to our beach house in Seagull's Valley so you can experience a sunset on the beach. It's just... wow." I said as I pushed my glass out so the servant could fill it with more water.

Hemera nodded and smiled nervously; "No, I know I should, I just really haven't had the time or the nerve, to be honest, but I want to."

"Seagull's Valley is perfect for a beach picnic! We should totally do that!" Trita grinned and clapped her hands with glee. She loved throwing parties and she absolutely loved having an excuse to go up to Earth.

"You and Thanatos have a house there?" Hemera asked as she buttered herself a slice of freshly baked rye bread.

"Thanatos gave it to me for my twentieth birthday." I smiled, remembering the night he'd surprised me. I was so stunned and happy. It was honestly my favourite place to be with him. Once the baby is born, I think I'll ask Thanatos if we can spend our weekends there. I want my children to experience the beach like I did. "It's special to us."

"I never knew my brother was such a romantic." Hemera giggled as she took a bite out of her bread. I smiled down at my glass of water and thought of him. I think there's a great deal of things Thanatos hid from his siblings and I'm so happy that I was able to bring out all those beautiful qualities.

"So it's settled!" Trita said with a broad smile; "Next week we have a beach party!"

"Excellent! I can work on my tan..." Apollo smirked and popped a grape into his mouth. Oh, he was no doubt delighted by this. He'd be able to see Hemera in a bikini. Sly devil...

"So... You're afraid of water." I smirked with a mischievous sparkle in my eye and turned my attention to Hemera; "You didn't go see the waterfalls, did you?"

I brought my glass of water up to my lips, but my eye caught a ripple in the big jug of water on the table. The ripple doubled in size.

Hemera was flushed with a bright red and Apollo glowered in my direction as his new lover struggled to find an excuse or explanation, but my eyes were set on the moving jug.

Suddenly, my glass shook in my hand and the table creaked.

Trimorphe's head shot up with a snarl and Hemera's blush faded as she sat up straight in her chair; highly alert.

Apollo's eyes shot to mine, but his hand caught Hemera's and held it close. Trita's lifted her legs from the table and dropped the magazine. My throat dried and my heart sped up with erratic beats as we sat, waiting for something to fracture.

The ground shook and with a deafening blast of energy, a massive black portal opened up in the centre of the garden, spraying dirt and shredded petals everywhere.

I fell back off my chair and onto my ass, but luckily I'd caught the table's top with both hands before the jolt could swing my head back against the stone floor.

Trita was smacked onto the table and I spotted a small river of blood roll down her temple. She cussed. Apollo and Hemera had reached for each other and fell onto the ground with painful groans. The servants practically fell to the ground to help us all up- most throwing themselves on the floor to protect the king.

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