Chapter Fourteen

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Once they parked on the driveway of Hollis’s house, things started to slow down. There was more adrenaline walking to the door, than they had had on the drive. Either way they marched up to the door and knocked. Then knocked again when Hollis didn’t open the door within the first five minutes of them waiting.

“Should we knock again?” Lily wondered aloud.

“Let’s give him another minute.” Sony said adjusting the strap of his messenger bag. The door opened just as Lily was placing her fist on the door to knock again.

“I was getting to opening it, you didn’t have to knock so much.” Hollis greeted them, opening the door.

“Sure you were,” Lily said strolling in, absorbing the scene, “now should we change here or...?”

“Just change here. I’ll get ready in my room and you guys can just change in one of the bathrooms.” Sony headed towards the one on the second floor while Lily headed to the one right of her.

She locked the door and opened one of her packs. She pulled the dress out to full length. It was a decent amount of fabric since she had had to put in a duffel of its own. She admired the dress. The gown was old fashioned, completely outdated. Maybe even for 18th century standards. It looked Victorian, though it could have been older. It certainly smelled older. The dress Lily had on reched of age and mothballs. But it’s fabric was so rich and glowing. And the material was soft. The dress was the dark blueish purple of sweet peas for the base. The varying purples of Bellflowers, wisteria, and honesty flowers made up the rest of the dress. It had a odd neckline, one like an old queen might wear, and the accents on it were intricate, almost telling a story on the dress with all the stages of the flowers. Lily combed her hair with her fingers, and tied her hair near the top of her head. She studied herself in the mirror. ‘I look pretty good. I could probably pass for some old-ass nobility.’ Lily took a spin, the dress twirling wonderfully. ‘At least the outfit doesn’t look half bad.’

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