Chapter Ten

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Lily's head rested on her arms, they were folded to where her face was hidden and her groan was muffled. Lily had a headache. She'd spent the week trying to solve everyone's problems, but it came to bite her in the butt. She hadn't solved anything, and now from the state she was in she couldn't. 'Well this sucks. At least I can probably get out of class.' After finagling the library pass from her teacher Mrs. Grisham she was on her way to the library. There really wasn't many places she could go, but at least the library would be quiet.

Lily made a spot for herself in the small space between two large bookshelves. She pulled up her knees after getting her back to the end of the aisle. She amused herself by going over the titles of the books next to her on the bottom shelf. With the quiet of the library, Lily was able to forget about her headache. For once it was easy to put her problems. If only her peace of mind could last.

Two days after, Lily had managed to get a handle on things. Once she got some space she was able to distance herself from the problem and attempt to remedy the situation. She knew the solution. Lily had talked to Hollis and the two of them had planned. Sonny was a major part of the plan, though he didn't give any input. Neither Hollis or Lily had wanted to ask him. They didn't want to put more on him. Not to mention Sonny had never been big on making plans, he prefered to do his own way and see how things played out.

Once the plan was done and polished, all Lily and the other two of the group had to do was wait and prepare. They set the date: Halloween. That's when Hollis would take them to where the Fae Courts were and they could figure out how to get the cure. Everything was going to be fine. They were all going to be fine, the end of all this stress was going to be over soon.

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