Chapter Six

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Sonny sat cross-legged on the carpet, his eyes roaming across the last few pages of a book.

"What are you doing?" Lily regarded her brother. Sonny didn't look up, just kept on reading.

"I don't want to get it, but I want to know how it ends." He clarified, though Lily still seemed confused, though Sonny didn't notice.

"That doesn't explain why you're sitting on the floor. Why don't you go sit on one of the benches." Sonny considered her offer.

"Sure, in a minute." Lily grabbed her brother's arm and lead him to the stores benches that were behind the aisles. Sonny finished his book as Lily hunted for one of her own. After putting his book back, Sonny decided to join her. They wandered around the store, cracking jokes when they walked through the romance section. After they had went through and got a few things, they headed out to go get lunch.

"Hey, Sonny?" Lily asked, oddly hesitant, as she was never an unsure person.

"Yeah?" Sonny responded, swinging his shopping bag as they walked.

"I asked Hollis if he wanted to join up with us for lunch. I was thinking we could eat over by the park on Walkers street.?" Lily waited for him to answer.

"I don't see why not. Should we text him to see what he wants?" Sonny knew Hollis didn't care for certain textures, especially in food.

"I already got his order." Lily held up her phone with her arm, though the bag on it weighted it down some. The two walked over to the Panera across the street, Lily paused to hold the door for a mom and her teenage son. Sonny had already taken his place in line for the order machines, he avoided talking to new people if he could. Lily joined him behind the man in the navy suit. Sonny tapped his usually order when he saw it on the screen. Lily took more time, eventually they sat down to wait for their to-go order.

"Oof." Sonny exclaimed as he set down their bags in the back seat. He kept his upper body close to the items as he set them down, hoping that it would help keep things from spilling. He pushed himself up after unloading.

"Why don't you set them down like normal?" Lily chimed in from the driver's seat, she wore an incredulous look on her face. Her seatbelt clicked as she put it on.

"How about you shut up?" Sonny sniped at Lily, as he sat slumped in his car with his feet on the dash.

"How about you put your feet down before I make you walk?" Lily retorted as her hands settled on ten and two, turning back as she pulled out of the space. Sonny stuck his tongue out at her, but didn't make a comeback. He couldn't tell if she was serious about making him walk.

They drove away from the shopping plaza, Lily turned on the radio as she drove. The main pop station for the area blared on, playing one of the songs it repeated.

"No," Sonny groaned, "can't you change it? They only play like five songs."

"Oh, what? You're too cool to listen to Selena Gomez nine times in a row?"

"Yes." Sonny exclaimed with a smile from his sister's remark, "It's like they want you to get sick of the songs." Lily rolled her eyes. She may agree that the way they played the same songs over and over and over was annoying, but she refused to change it. Lily was the one driving, she chose the music

"You're doing this to spite me, aren't you?" Sonny surmised, though his voice was funny since he had his cheek squished against the glass. Lily grinned.

"Nah, I just don't want to listen to your awful music," she made sure to emphasise the awful. The twins went back and forth for the rest of the ride, debating whose taste was worse. Despite occasionally stealing the others clothes and stuff, they argued the other was worse.

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