Chapter 6(Edited)

Start from the beginning

"Yes," I groaned, "there is no way I'm marrying that money hungry bitch." I spat

"I don't blame you on that one." Uncle Antonio laughed. "Your dad doesn't even try to hide that he doesn't like the girl, and that's saying something."

My dad Niccolo, distrusted many, but he could get along with just about anybody. When My brought up me marrying Sarah Russo, the daughter of an Italian businessman Alejandro Russo, my dad pitched a huge fit. He said that he would never allow that girl to be a part of our family, and I agree with him completely. The girl was a money greedy, slut and would open her legs for anyone that would lavish her with expensive things and money. When I brought this to my mother's attention she told me that I shouldn't believe every rumor  I hear. She has my mother completely fooled and it's grating. I love my mother to death but if she forces me to marry that awful girl I will never forgive her.

To be completely honest the only girl I have ever thought of marrying was Tia. And now that she has my child I will be able to get her  to marry me. That was always the plan in the first place, before she broke up with me. Before we broke up, she was going to meet my family during thanksgiving. Then we're going to wait till she graduated from Spelman to move to New York and get married, but I guess things change. However, Aiden is just a matter of us skipping a few steps, not that I mind. I'll have to talk to Tiana about it later. Of course then I would have to tell her the type of business I'm in. From the events of last night I know she suspects something is shady.

After talking to my uncle for a bit I decided to leave. I needed to get some things in order since it seemed like I would be in Atlanta for a while. I took my phone and called Damien. "Hello he answered

"I need a favor." I said not bothering with pleasantries.

"And what may that favor be my dear brother." I could practically hear the smirk in his voice.

"I need you to take care of things in New York for a while." I ordered

"For what?" he asked.

"I have some things to take care of down here and I gotta straighten stuff out before I go back to New York." I explained

"Whatever you say bro." He mumbled

"Cool, talk to you guys later." i said before I hung up the phone.

I drove to my hotel so that I could change my clothes, then I drove over to the club that Tia works at. Parking my car, I walk into the club and am greeted by the dark skin girl I saw Tia talking to last night.

"So you the baby daddy." she smirked at me.

"Yeah I guess." I chuckled.

"Well how can I help you." She smiled

"I'm looking for Alec." I inquired.

She rolled her eyes at the name. "He in the back room, Feel free to kick that nigga again."

I gave her a skeptical look. 'How did she know about that?'

"Ti told me what happened." She answered my silent question

I just nodded and walked to the back room. I walked in unnoticed and saw Alec sitting down wish some girl wiggling around in his lap. She was a slim light skin girl and barely had on any clothes. She was pretty, but she could never compete with my Bambina.

"I didn't know that this was a brothel as well as a sleazy bar," I quipped, finally making my presence known.

They both turned around and looked at me. Alec looked angry, and the girl looked embarrassed. She moved off and Alec and tried to cover herself up.

"What do you want Dellucci?" He snapped at me.

"Tsk, tsk... I would watch your  tone if I were you Alec." I teased.. "You. Leave." I ordered the girl. She quickly got up and walked back into the club. Alec glared at me harder, not that I gave a fuck. "I came to warn you Alec."

"Warn me about what." Huffed lighting up a blunt.

Angered at his nonchalance I charged at him. I pinned him to the wall by his neck. "If you ever touch my girl I will not have as much mercy as last night." I snarled at him

"I'm sorry man I didn't know!" He choked out as my hand squeezed his neck tighter.

"Yeah, well now you do." I growled, drooping him roughly to the ground. As he got up I punched him on the mouth for good measure, and for what he said to Tia last night. I knelt down beside him as he cupped his jaw. "If we ever have to have this conversation again, you'll be wishing all I did was punch you." I said menacingly before walking back into the main part of the bar.

I saw Tia's friend wiping down the bar. She looked up and made eye contact. "Did you get him?" She laughed.

I smiled and nodded before walking out Lust. When I was done doing all I needed to do for the day it was 2:30. 'Almost time for the boys to get out of school.' I drove to Mcdonalds and got them some food, before driving to pick up Bryson. Once I pulled up to the school I saw Bryson talking to a girl with long, light purple hair and dark skin. She was a little shorter than his 6 '0, she seemed like about 5'5. I let him talk for a little longer before I finally honked the horn. He turned to see me, told the girl bye, and got in the car.

"Hey Jay." He greeted

"How was school?" I asked

"It was cool." He mumbled

"Who was the girl?" I questioned bluntly

He gave the side eye, before smiling slightly, "Asia"

"Same grade as you?"

"Nah, a year younger."

"So...Sophomore?" I inquired.

"Yeah." He responded

"Oh yeah, I got you guys some food," I said, handing him his burger.

"Thanks." he mumbled. "What you get Adien?"

"I figured I get him the same thing I got your  sister."

"Chicken nuggets." He laughed. I joined him. "You guessed right." he smiled. It was silent while he ate his food. Till he asked me the golden question. "Are  you mad at my sister?"

"Part of me is. The other part is just sad, I guess."I answered.

"She cries a lot still." He blurted out. "Not as much as when she first got pregnant, but still..."

I thought over what he said for a minute. I never really thought about how the breakup affected Tiana. When we first broke I was devastated for the first few months. Though I never really got over it, I was able to go on with my life half-heartedly. But Tiana... Tiana had to raise a child by herself. Granted, she didn't have to, but it was still the truth. She dropped out of school, worked two jobs, just so that I could go to my dream school. She sacrificed something that she has worked her life for, for me, Adien, her grandmother and her brother. Even though hear heart was in the right place, she just went about it the wrong way. And now that I really think about it, Tia has always been that way. She was so used to being the main care-taker in the home. Her and Bryson's mother was never really focused on being a mother, and more about whatever man could fund her selfish and "childless" lifestyle, her dad is a military man who is always overseas, but at least he made somewhat of an effort I guess. Then there was Mama Williams. Though she was an angel sent from heaven (much like her granddaughter) she was the oldest of her siblings and was the main one looking after her ailing mother, whilst also having her own set of health issues. That left Tiana as the main caretaker of her young brother, basically forced to forfeit her childhood before she was even in the 3rd grade.

When we first met she wouldn't go any further than friends with me, because she literally didn't have time. She was either working, taking care of Bryson and Mama Willams, studying, or all three. She was the busiest 15 year old I had ever met and my life. I asked multiple times, before Viv finally answered for her, taking Aiden for the night so that she didn't have a reason to tell me no. I'll forever remember how cute she was on our first date. It's one of my favorite moments in my life. I can't wait to make so many more of those moments with her and now Aiden, and the future children we'll have.

'I need to make that woman my wife'

The One That Came Back (REPOST)| WATTY'S 2019Where stories live. Discover now