It's Like Science

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Sherlock's POV;

It's John's birthday. I was never one for birthday presents. Giving or receiving them was a pain I'd rather not experience. But- John's changed that. I want to give him a present this year. After all he's been through; I think he deserves something nice.

"Are you sure, dear?" Mrs Hudson asks with a weary voice and uncertain eyes.

I sigh "Yes. Don't make me repeat myself."

She nods "Okay then.What would you like to cook for him?" She wonders.

I think for a moment "Spaghetti?" I suggest "He's always had a liking to pasta despite the fact that he gains weight easily and starches aren't a good pick. Maybe I should--"

Mrs Hudson chuckles making me cease my rambling.

"He'll love spaghetti." Mrs Hudson smiles.

"Okay." I nod "Good."

"Right then!" She claps her hands together "Let's go make spaghetti!" she decides gleefully as she makes her way up the stairs. I follow behind her at a steady pace.

Will he like this? /of course he will/ But what if he doesn't? What do I do then? /you try again/ Even so, I can only make him so many putrid meals before he gets fed up /John'll never leave. He needs us/ Haha, no. John's the most independent man I know. He doesn't need us. In actuality; John's better off without us. /well, if you weigh up the pros and cons; he's in more danger alone./ You don't know what you're talking about.

"Okay!" Mrs Hudson says and I blink a few times, registering that I'm in the kitchen.

"What's first?" I ask her.

"We need a pot." She says and I nod.

I stop myself short "Where are the pots?"

Mrs Hudson shakes her head and chuckles.

"Here." She says as she goes to a cupboard and gestures at the pots and pans in it.

"Thank you." I nod as I grab a pot and set it on the counter.

"Okay," Mrs Hudson begins "Now we need spaghetti."

"That's easy." I remark as I stroll to the food cupboard. I make macaroni guns when I'm bored. I take arch shaped pasta and push spaghetti through it, making it shoot pieces of spaghetti. John gets rather annoyed at this, but I just shrug and continue shooting spaghetti at him from behind my chair.

"Here." I chide, handing the spaghetti to Mrs Hudson.

"Good." She praises.

"Now we need oil and hot water." She says.

"I'll put the kettle on." I decide and fill the kettle with water, setting it down on the base to boil. I lean against the counter as Mrs Hudson pours some sunflower oil into the pot, adding salt as well.

"Why do you do that?" I wonder "Add oil and salt?"

"Oh, well. It's to help with the flavour and to make it soft." She smiles.

I nod "So... It's like science?" I inquire curiously.

She chuckles a bit "You could say that. But it's more of an art really."

I knit my brows in confusion then sigh as the kettle clicks.

"So I just pour the water in the pot then?" I ask, kettle in hand.

"Yes." Mrs Hudson nods.

I pour the water in the pot, the water level being nearly at the top before I stop.

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