The Best Man

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"Pray silence for the best man." 

The room erupts in cheers and applause as I stand up, buttoning my jacket. I don't wan't it buttoned since I can barely get enough air as it is.

"Ladies and gentlemen. Family and friends... and um..." I look around. What was I going to say? "Others."

A pause of silence. I can't cry now. Keep it together, Sherlock. 

"Uh..." Jumbled sounds. More silence. Goddamnit, Sherlock. Why are you being so sentimental?

"A-A-Also..." You're stammering, Sherlock. Shut up, Mycroft. Get out my head.

"The telegrams." John says.

"Right, um..." I grab the telegrams.

"Mmm." Lousy attempt at a throat clear.

"First thing's first." I wave the telegrams in the air "Telegrams." 

"Well they're not actually telegrams. We just call them telegrams, I don't know why. Wedding tradition." Nervous twitch. Go away.

"Because we don't have enough of that already, apparently." Not good. Definitely not good. I know, I know.

My mouth is moving, but what am I saying? It's from Mike. I hate you, Mike Stamford. You introduced us. You started it all. 

"Special day. Very special day. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love." God, it hurts. 

"Bit of a theme. You get the general gist. People are basically fond." I can't read through all of them knowing most of them are lies. Blatant, sickening lies.

"John." My-- No. Mary's John. I gesture at John. I don't know why though. 

"My friend, John Watson." My friend...

"John." Okay, Sherlock. We get the memo. I told you to leave, Mycroft. Get. Out.

"When John first broached the subject of being best man; I was confused."

Flashbacks. They're funny things. Replaying fond memories like a film in your head. It takes up allot of space. But... I need it. It's... tangible. I can pretend, by re watching those memories, that he is still my John. 

"and... You." it echoes in my mind. Me? Why me?

"I confess at first I didn't realize he was asking me. When finally I understood; I expressed to him that I was both flattered and surprised." You stared at him. I was processing. 

"I explained to him that I had never expected this request and I was a little daunted in the face of it." A little? You were in a state of alarm. I was not... I was processing. 

"I nontheless promised that I would do my very best to accomplish a task which was, for me, as demanding and difficult as any I had ever contemplated." It's the hardest thing I have ever endured. The most-- No.

"Additionally; I thanked him for the trust he placed in me and indicated that I was, in some ways, very close to be being moved by it." Liar. You were touched by it. I can't argue with myself right now. Please, shut up.

"It later transpired that I'd said none of this out loud."

Everyone laughs. But I only hear John's laugh. 

"So... in fact..."


"You-you mean--" 


"I'm your..."

"Best... man." "Best... friend?"

"Yeah of course you are."

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