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"So probably in a month, I will be on my knees sucking Taehyung's dick. Hopefully in his bed too. Naked, sweaty and all that," Hoseok says while licking his ice cream. The two boys are sitting on a bench in the park, not far away from the ice cream shop where they bought their ice cream. 

"Too much info, you idiot," Yoongi growls, licking at his melting ice cream.  "No kidding, it's been forever since I got laid," Hoseok says leaning back, mouth still on the ice cream."

Yoongi turns to the other, "Since when have you started to talk like that?"

"What?" Hoseok asks confused, even though he has noticed that himself. "I don't get it?"

"Oh, c'mon. Since yesterday where you got Taehyung's number, you've started to sound like a common cheerleader-slut stereotype. "Forever since I got laid" my ass. You haven't even got laid once you're a fucking virgin!" Yoongi points up, the sticky substance in their hands long forgotten. 

"I don't know what you're talking about," Hoseok says while avoiding eye contact. "Liar," Yoongi says before averting his focus onto the ice cream again. 

"I just-just..." Hoseok starts mumbling, "I've seen those people Taehyung hangs out with, those fuckboys, sluts and people like that. And I kind of like that Taehyung. You know I always had a small crush on him, just not as serious as your crush on Jungkook. And I noticed that I don't really fit in their 'group'. So if I acted just a bit like them, I would fit in and Taehyung would like me better."

Yoongi stops eating the ice cream and throws the remaining of the melted stuff out. He keeps silent for five long seconds before saying: "Yep, you're fucking out of your mind."

"Hey!" Hoseok whines, "I don't know what else to do!"

"So you decided to lie to him and yourself?" Yoongi asks suspiciously. "Well, I'm not really lying to anyone. You can say that I'm changing?" Hoseok arguments. 

"No," The older replies, "You're lying to yourself right now. Taehyung asked for your number before you decided to change yourself. Why should you change yourself into a person you don't want to be? You can't argue with that, because I've seen you cringe at the group Taehyung is in every time you want to check him out. You don't want to be one of those, you never wanted to. Why are you changing yourself for a boy?" 

"I don't know," Hoseok mutters, partly shocked over the concerning tone in the older's voice. "I like to fit in."

"Just because you fit in doesn't mean you belong there. Maybe that's what Taehyung wanted. A change, a difference," Yoongi mumbles but Hoseok hears it clearly. 

"You know what?" Hoseok jumps up and looks at Yoongi. "You're right! I don't need to change just so I fit the preferences of that boy. Why would he have a crush on me if he didn't like the way I am? If Taehyung really meant that he has a crush on me, he wouldn't ask me to change," the younger paces back and front in front of Yoongi, not noticing the boy walking towards them. 

"Because why would Taehyung ask for my number if he only wanted me to change? We don't even have the same classes so I can't really be bothering him. I mean, he said to you that he had a crush on me. Doesn't that mean something very confusing or high-technological?"

"I think it just means that I want to date you," A deep voice says behind the pacing boy. 

Hoseok swirls around, meeting deep brown eyes. "U-uhm..." Hoseok stutters, "How- How much d-did you hear?"

"Just what I needed to hear," Taehyung smiles and looks at Yoongi, "Can I have a talk with Hoseok, just the two of us?"

"Yeah, of course," Yoongi says before getting up and pats Hoseok's shoulder, "Good luck," he whispers to the younger before disappearing behind a tree. 

"So..." Hoseok mumbles and looks down at his feet, shoes digging into the ground. He almost screams when he feels a finger lift his head up, eyes meeting other. 

"Don't hide such a beautiful face," Taehyung smiles, making Hoseok blush, "How cute, your blush is like a tasty peach."

"S-stop," Hoseok whispers and looks down again but feels a finger lift his head up again. He looks at the younger, taking in his look. Tousled hair from the small breeze, melanin skin, eyes looking into Hoseok's soul and a beautiful smile on the lips. "What do you want to talk with me about?" Hoseok gets himself to ask. 

"How about I take you on a date, and then we'll talk about it there?" Taehyung asks and tilts his head like a dog asking for treats. 

"Okay," Hoseok whispers and Taehyung leans forward in a teasing way, "What? I didn't hear you."



"I'll go."

"Excuse me, can you repeat that?"

"Fuck! Yes, okay! I'll go on a date with you!" Hoseok explodes, hitting the younger playfully before calming down. "Where will we go?"

"That, my friend, is a secret," Taehyung pats the older's hair, smirking when he sees a pout on the older's face. That's until a knowing smile paints the older's face. "You don't know where to bring me," Hoseok smirks.

"What? I don't know what you're talking about," Taehyung denies and Hoseok smirks again. The smaller tiptoes and whispers into the younger's ear. "You don't know where to take me."

"Just-" Taehyung starts and Hoseok swears that he can see the engines in Taehyung's brain work. "Let's just go."

The chapters probably are gonna be shorter but hopefully, they get more fun to read👌

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