I feel bad so here you go

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Keith's POV
I woke up cuddled up next to lance. It was great until. "PALADINS GET UP NOW THIS IS NOT A DRILL!!" I heard Allura yell. I sprung up and shook lance

"Babe wake up!!!" I could hear him groan "Five more minuets." He said as he turned away. "Lance this is not a drill!!!! We're being attacked!!!" I yelled trying to wake him up. "Ok two more minuets." He said and tried to go back to sleep. "thats it you asked for it!!" I yelled yanking his arm and throwing him of the bed. "Owwwwww babe!!!" Lance whined "Come on!!" I said dragging him out.

Once I started dragging him he got up and started running with me. We got there and Coran was Laughing like crazy. "YOU GOT...how do you do you all say it yeeted? YEAH YOU GOT YEETED" Coran yelled

I cringed and looked at lance who looked disgusted. "How dare you use the wrong meme?!!!!!" Lance said. "Lance calm your bi ass down" I said putting my hand on his shoulder.

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