I wont say i'm in love

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Lance POV
NO!!! I️ DONT LIKE KEITH!! WHAT AM I️ THINKING!!!! THAT KISS....that...kiss. ARGH IT WAS A ONE TIME THING!!! I️ mentally yelled at myself. " Oh geez.." I️ thought as a slowly sat on my bed. And Pidge walked in. " So about Keith~" she said. " W-what about him." I️ said blushing, trying to act like I️ had no idea what she was talking about. " Hah! I'm sorry do I️ have to spell it out for you? T H E K I️ S S!!!" She said. " I️-I️... Its not like it meant anything!!!" I️ said as I️ felt my face get warm. " Oh please!!! Everyone knows you like him!!" Pidge said laughing. I️ ran out of my room. " I️ DO NOT!!" I️ yelled. I ran until I️ thought I️ lost her.

* sigh* if there's a price for rotten judgment, guess I've already won that..no man is worth the Aggravation. Thats ancient history been there done that!!!"

( I'm too lazy to type the rest))

I️ went to the kitchen to see Keith sitting at the table alone. So I️ sat next to him. " Hey keith. How ya doin?" I️ said. " Huh? Oh umm I'm good.. you?" Keith said, turning a light pink. " I'm good.." I️ said scooting a little closer. And then Pidge bursted in. " CAAANNN YOU FEEL THE LOVE TONIIIIGHHHTTT!!" She yelled " No." Keith said " why not?" Pidge said. " Because it's day time." He said. I️ laughed a little. "......" Pidge was silent.

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