Dean jerked back in his seat at his ex-fiance's force entry. Before he could even blink, Annabel stormed over to him and slapped him hard across the face. Emery gasped at the violence and that drew Annabel's gaze to her.

"How dare you come into my office and create such ruckus," Dean seethed.

"I know you. Emery, right?" Annabel asked as if she was not whom Dean was addressing.

Emery nodded hesitantly as she eyed the two angry ex-couple. Her brain told her to leave but her body did not get the message cause she just stared at the scene playing before her.

"What is Miles' fiance doing in your office now?" Annabel demanded.

"That's none of your business. Leave my office before I call security, Anna." Dean lashed out.

Annabel scoffed. "There's actually a reason why I came here, Clifford though the slap was just an appetizer. But if you want us to settle our scores in front of a future Dekker, then we can. I bet Miles will be thrilled to find out the kind of bas-"

"Enough!" Both ladies flinched at the command, and one could hear a pin drop after the harsh sound receded. "Leave us, Emery."

Emery scurried out of the office without further ado. Tracy was nowhere in sight when she came back, and she took the solo moment to sought through her thoughts and put meaning to what she had just witnessed.

"He trusted you as a brother and you went around fooling with his little sister!"

Emery's eyes darted around when Annabel's voice rang in her office. She searched for the source of the voice only to see the red light on her intercom still blinking.

Emery didn't consider herself the nosy type but for some unfathomable reasons, she found herself listening in on their argument.

"She was just a kid! And not to mention that we were still dating at the time! You cheated on me!" Annabel continued.

"Stop yelling will you? I know I made a mistake but you're not in any position to talk about cheating. If you ever want to talk about this like two mature adults, then let's do this somewhere else," Dean said.

"We are definitely talking about this. You should be ashamed of yourself."

Emery heard the slam of a door and quickly turned off her intercom. She reclined into her chair when Annabel pranced by her office.

Oh my God could it be?

It was as clear as day that Dean Clifford and Billion's late sister were in a relationship. And from Annabel's remarks, it sounded like they were in an illicit affair.


Does Billion know about this?

"That Violetta lady is insufferable," Tracy grunted as she stormed over to her desk. Her comment brought Emery out of her trance.

Although Emery shared in the view that their HR was indeed insufferable, she held back any form of contributions to Tracy's remarks and tried to focus on her work.

Her mind wasn't her own though as Dean and Annabel's argument swarmed in, coupled with everything she had come to know.

This is so messed up.

The mental fuss halted when her phone rang. With a heavy heart, Emery picked up the call. The man's relief sigh from the other end made her feel guilty for ignoring him.


'I have been calling you...Is there any reason why I'm being ignored?'

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