5 - Sky High

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    "How are we supposed to get up there? Only 2 of us can fly!" Bea shouted from down below. 

    "Don't worry, I'll carry you guys! I always have good ideas." The girl flew down, grabbing Beatrice by the hand. "Everybody makes a line below me and hold on!" 

    "Sky, are you sure this is gonna work?" Bumble asked, at the bottom of the line. 

    "I'm sure! Now come on, let's go!" Sky zoomed into the sky, going faster than a jet, but not going faster than the speed of light, since she can't go that fast. When she finally stopped, she had landed on a giant landmass. Well, not a landmass, a cloud.

    "Alright, you guys can let go." Sky said, letting go of Beatrice's hand.

    "Hey, how are we supposed to sit on this cloud?" Minus asked. "I'm pretty sure it's physically impossible to do!"  

    "Shush, my child."

    "You're not even a legal adult-"

    "It's magic. Both your points can be disproved by magic."

    "That doesn't make any...No, forget it." Minus grabbed a handful of cloud material and threw it at Willow. 

    "Hey! You know I can't grab anything that's on a lower level than me!"

    "So you can't touch the ground? Good, that means if I hit you more you'll tip over and die."

    "Minus, stop being so mean to me!" Willow was close to crying. Minus grumbled, reaching for two handfuls of cloud material.  

    "Minus! Stop it." Perry said sternly, pushing Minus onto the cloudy floor. "We wouldn't want anybody to get hurt, would we?"

    "I'll hurt you if you don't help me get up."

    "Okay, fine."

    "Thank you-"

    "After you eat this!" Perry picked up two balls of cloud material, flinging them at Minus.

    "Hey, I thought you said you didn't want anybody to get hurt!" Minus said, giggling.

    "Guys, look!" Sky pointed to a train, choo-chooing along the cloud track it was set to go along. "We should hop on it!" She grabbed Minus' hand, picked him up, and held him over her head. She drew her arms back, making her grip on Minus looser.


    "Go!" Sky flung Minus all the way over to where the train was, landing him into the singular train cart. It was shaped like a box. A box made out of clouds, that is. 

    Sky gave the same treatment to everybody else, softly putting Willow in, and miraculously not giving anybody serious injuries. She flew into the train cart last, since she wanted to be sure nobody was missing. The train started back up and sent the crew along the track.

    "Hey, where does this lead?" Beatrice asked curiously.

    "I don't know! Where does it-" Skylar was interrupted by a loud crash. The train had crashed into a brick wall, interrupting two other girls from doing what they were before the train hit.

    One of the girls turned around, wide-eyed. Surprisingly, she only had one thing to say.



A little blooper I was about to write in before I actually decided to be serious for once:

    "Guys, look!" Sky pointed to a train, choo-chooing along the cloud track it was set to go along. "We should hop on it!" She grabbed Minus' hand, picked him up, and held him over her head. She drew her arms back, making her grip on Minus looser.


    "Yeet!" Sky flung Minus all the way over to where the train was, landing him into the singular train cart. It was shaped like a box. A box made out of clouds, that is. 

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