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    It was just one of those nights for Beatrice. The nice, calm, peaceful kind of night. She was sitting on her bed, very very tired. Not like her, but she was fine with it. She was just about to go to sleep when a loud clattering noise suddenly sprung her out of her near slumber. Bea was going to go downstairs to check it out, but she rather would have slept instead. But, just for safety measures, she locked her door to reduce her chance of getting killed.

    At 12:00, she woke up to an unlocked door, which was very strange. Neither her mom or her dad knew how to pick locks. Besides, even if they did, there's no way they'd be up this late. Well, unless Beatrice woke them up. This was very suspicious. 

    She slowly crept downstairs, being careful not to trip and wake anyone up. She didn't have time to talk. She needed to get down to business. She needed to see what was up. She started to run a little faster this time. After all, the more time she wasted, the closer to morning it got. She hated mornings.

    Once Beatrice got downstairs, she got straight to work, looking around and inspecting everything. 


    Something was off. 

    Everything seemed to be in perfect working order! What was wrong?! Bea made sure to check one more time. And this time, she spotted something. A shattered mug, and water spilling out of it. Beatrice decided to be nice and clean up the mess. The cup was easy to clean up, but the water was a bit harder to clean up. 

    After scrubbing and scrubbing, Beatrice was a little more than mad. She was straight up furious. She gets cranky if she isn't in her bed during nighttime. 

    "Why can't I clean up this stupid puddle?!" she groaned. "It's taking me forever!" 

    When she got up to just give up and go to bed, something prevented her. She looked down. It was the water that was preventing her. She soon realized that it was absorbing her, which was obviously not something water did usually. 

    Soon, It was absorbing her whole entire body, sucking her in. 

    "Hey, wait! Someone help, please-" 

    But she was cut off by the water finally absorbing her entire body, sucking it down into a pit, where she kept falling, and falling, and falling...

    Until she hit the ground.

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