Chapter 3: Anxiousness and Arousal (Part 2)

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It was a beautiful morning as the titans slept in from the actions of Slade and Cinderblock. Cinderblock has somehow became a more hulking monster due to Slade's new technology. However, with Starfire's battlecry and raw power and Beastboy's savage instincts to kill, they were able to bring down Cinderblock. As for Slade, he escape merely with his life as Beastboy almost ended his life with a rib-crushing blow to his chest. Slade barely could make it out through his own escape. The remaining titans were tending to Robin, who was unconscoius and possibly suffered a broken arm in the process.

After the fight, they headed home from the scene and prioritize Robin as he needed to be in the infirmary overnight. The rest of the titans went to bed except for Cyborg. He tended to Robin overnight for further analysis of his condition and any complications that he might have while recovering from the fight.

Beastboy was the first to awaken from his slumber. He shot out of his bed, dripping in sweat and his skin was very clammy. He checked his boxers to see if they were dry and apparently that was not the case. "Dude, that's the fifth pair of boxers this month! And I'm not washing laundry for a while! Damn It!" said Beastboy. This caused Raven to wake out of her sleep from a dream that caused her lady parts to become rather sticky and stringy. She could sense that something was the matter with Beastboy, but didnt want to go check it out because she could feel that he would get anxious around her. Instead, she laid in bed, just looking at the ceiling thinking about that dream that she had and how wonderful it was to her. "

She blushed thinking about the dream that she had. She thought to herself "Who could possibly want me? I'm half-demon and half-human plus I'm not the best at expressing how I feel to those I have a crush on. I seal the feelings away just to avoid the misery of being rejected because I know that they don't want somebody who's dark and rarely smiles. Yet, this unknown emotion seems to pop up every time I think of him and when it does, I tend to become very aroused and wet. I just wished that this would stop!"

The moment that she ended this self talk in her mind, she hears a knock on her door. She wonders who that could be at this time of the morning. Raven, then changes her panties and throws on her pajama pants before answering the door. She asks "Who is it?" with her monotonic voice before opening the door, wondering if that is Beastboy on the other side. Her heart beats with speed and her face is turning pinkish at her cheeks. What she's anxious about is right on the other side of the door and she doesn't even know it. The person on the other side of the door responds with "I-It's Be-B-Beastboy, Rae."

"Rae??" She thought. She haven't heard him called her that since the last time she scolded him for calling her that. To his surprise, she didn't slam the door open to scold him or scold him behind the door by telling him to go away and quit calling her that. Raven at this moment pulled herself together from her thoughts and ignores her emotions to answer the door. The door opens slowly, revealing to Beastboy a Raven who is wearing nothing under her black Nujabes T-shirt and pajama pants with the Samurai Champloo characters in various spots. 

She asked Beastboy "What do you want? It's pretty early." Before Beastboy could form the words that he wanted to say, Raven stopped him in his mid-formation of thought and asked him would he like to come in her room. This throws Beastboy off immediately and he automatically agrees to step foot in her room. When he stepped foot in there the last time, he ended in her mind through her mirror she uses while she meditates. He looks around as he steps in to find that Raven has been busy for quite some time. Her lighting is still dark, but her wall has more color to them now-a-days, which is full of posters from different animes like Fooly Cooly, My Mysterious GirlfriendX and Vandread and quotes from Bruce Lee were also on her wall such as "Be Water My Friends" and "Showing Off Is The Fool's Idea Of Glory." Her sleeping clothes has a new taste to them as well. There were lots of colorful anime characters that she likes on her shirts, pajama pants and jackets. However, she still keeps the background colors of her clothes black or dark violet.

Beastboy couldn't believe what he was seeing around him. It was like she changed without anybody else knowing about her transition as a individual. She, herself, was wondering what Beastboy was thinking about when he stepped in for the first time in a couple of years. His face was stoic upon witnessing the themes that he didn't think Raven were into at all. Beastboy felt a nudge from Raven, which snapped him out of his thoughts because she was wondering why he came to her door. Before he could tell her why, he immediately turned to her and asked "Raven..when did you start liking anime? And..When were you into Bruce Lee? I thought you said fighting was pointless." She looked at him with her violet colored eyes and replied "Bruce Lee wasn't all about fighting. He was more about becoming what you can completely be, which is whole. As far as anime goes, that came with the territory of reading Bruce's philosophies and ideas."

Beastboy's mind was blown far out of existence. He, too, enjoyed Bruce's philosophies and idea, but had no idea that Raven read his work as well. His heart began to speed up again and he blushed pink as he was about to tell her why he was in her room at this moment. This moment could define their relationship towards each other. The outcome of the unknown is killing Beastboy, but he has to do what he is about to do next.

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