Chapter 11- September

Start from the beginning

We both ended up eating some of the soup Claudia made. I could feel Zach's eyes burning into me as we ate, and it was irking me. I had no idea what had crawled up his ass and died, but something did... I would look up and glare at him, but he would just give me one of his arrogant, sarcastic grins.

After we finished eating, Zach pretty much forced me to go to his room with him. "What is wrong with you today?" I asked as I pulled out a cigarette and put it in my mouth. He frowned, seeming confused.

"Nothing, why?" He raised an eye brow slightly. I shook my head and released the smoke from my lungs. There was a bit of silence, both of us smoking our cigarettes, before I sat down on the bed with him. "What would you like to do tonight?" He asked. I thought for a moment and took a drag.

"I don't know. Get plastered," I suggested. I couldn't help but speak with an angry tone. He laughed and started pulling something out of his pocket. He held his palm open when he was done to reveal a little baggy with white powder in it. I frowned. "What is that?" I asked suspiciously.

"Fucking laundry detergent," He said sarcastically, tossing it on his dresser, which was at the foot of his bed. "Cocaine, dumb ass." Ugh.

"I don't really want to do that...," I admitted. The thought made me nervous.

"Who said any of it was for you?" He retorted, giving me a slight frown. "There is not enough for both of us anyway."

"Where did you get it?" I asked, a little bit irritated that he was going to do it.

"From Rafe," He replied while exhaling smoke. Rafe was one of Zach's best friends. I should have known he got it from him. I nodded and rolled my eyes slightly, not very amused by the situation. "What is wrong?" He asked despondently. I shrugged.

"Are you gonna do it tonight?" I asked, giving him a pleading look. He didn't say anything for a couple moments.

"I would like to...," He responded slowly, not looking at me. I didn't know what to say. In the end, he was going to do what he wanted to do, no matter what I said about it.

"Fine," I said quietly and took a final drag of my cigarette before smashing it into the ashtray that was sitting in between us. Zach had somehow managed to finish his already. Once I'd done that, he grabbed it and moved it to his window sill.

"Dylan," He said softly after a few moments. I looked over and raised my eye brows briefly to tell him to continue. He rolled his eyes. "You are so difficult," He breathed as he scooted over to me and wrapped his arms around my small body. I felt my anger slowly vanishing as he held me. Somehow he always managed to do that to me.

I sighed and moved away from him slightly, turning my head and giving him a quick kiss. He looked surprised when I pulled away and it made me laugh slightly. We moved away from each other and sat in silence. "Well!" He finally spoke. "Shall we get started?" He asked. I glanced at the clock. It was only five...

"Uh, no," I replied with a frown. He gave me a long stare before shrugging.

"Suit yourself," He murmured before grabbing his little bag of coke. I was not looking forward to the night...


Zach seemed to be in an incredibly chipper mood due to the speed he had taken. It was kind of nice, but at the same time he was working my nerves. He wouldn't stop talking, and when he wasn't talking he would be messing with me physically to try and piss me off. He also enjoyed to warp his voice to sound like an Arabic man from time to time, which he was abusing horribly ever since he'd snorted his lines.

Around seven o'clock, Claudia was serving dinner. Deron hadn't gotten home until six thirty that night. Zach and I took our seats beside each other, plates already set in front of us. She'd made chicken and baked potatoes.

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