Chapter 4- April

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Author's note:  Short one!  Please comment and give me your feedback!

Chapter 4


After my birthday, Zach went back to his old dick self. We didn't have another half assed friendly conversation, and my hate for him was growing deep once more. But I could tolerate it a lot better now that I was used to it. He was pretty much my brother, so I knew I had to learn how to deal with him, no matter how horrible it was...

It was Friday night, and everyone had gone to bed but me. I was allowed to stay up on the weekends as late as I wanted, and I used it to my advantage. I didn't know where Zach was. I think he went out with friends earlier in the day. I had a Nofx CD in the stereo of the living room, listening to it quietly so that no one would wake up and get annoyed. I was once again, looking at a magazine, when the front door suddenly opened. I glanced towards the hall, unable to see who it was. I knew it was Zach, I just didn't know if he'd brought any friends home with him.

I shrugged and looked at the clock. It was twelve o'clock already. I was just hoping that he wouldn't be too wasted. His footsteps sounded into the kitchen and the refrigerator opened. A couple seconds later, he was standing in the archway of the living room. "Hey," He greeted lightly and came over to sit down next to me. I frowned slightly and nodded. I heard the crack of a can open and looked to see that he was holding a can of Guinness. He took a long sip of it and placed it on the table when done. "What 're you reading?" He asked. I was confused and paused before answering.

"Oh, um..." I looked at my magazine, suddenly embarrassed. It was a dog magazine Claudia had picked up. She'd been talking about getting me a dog. I lifted it with a slight grin so he could see. He nodded.

"Hey, that is cool, man... I like pets," He said and picked his beer up again. I nodded again.

"Oh," I replied awkwardly, not sure what else to say.

"My Mutter wants to get you a dog now that you are fifteen... she thinks you need responsibility." He laughed a little and stood up. I snorted and shook my head, grinning. The music suddenly got louder. "Did not know you liked Nofx."

"Yeah." I glanced up at him and then back down. "I was reading about different dog breeds. I sort of wanted a great dane. Deron would probably flip out, though, because they're so big." Silence.

"You should get a German Shepherd," Zach suddenly said, startling me slightly. I looked up at him, frowning.

"Yeah?" I asked. He nodded while taking a sip of his drink.

"Superb creatures," He replied with a smile. I grinned slightly and nodded. He probably just thought that because of where they originated from. But that might be one to look into. "So! Dylan..." I groaned silently and let the magazine fall onto my lap, turning my head to look at him. He was giving me a hard look. "Do you drink?" He asked. I swallowed, unsure if it was a trick question.

"Well... I only drank when I lived with my old foster parents... like, twice...," I lied slowly and unsurely. He looked at me for a while.

"I am not asking you so that I can run and tell Claudia," He finally said. I paused and glanced at my hands, getting hot a little. He was making me extremely nervous.

"Uh, yeah. I drank a couple times since I've been living here. I don't really- uh... have friends that I drink with, so I don't do it much." I let out a small breath and looked up at him. He nodded, looking a little sympathetic. Why the fuck was he acting so weird?

"That is a shame. You sure are missing out!" He laughed. He had a very deep, strong laugh. "Would you like a beer?" He asked before taking a swig of his. It was almost empty. I shrugged one shoulder. I didn't know what to say.

Around and Around (boy x boy)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα