Chapter 8- July

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Author's note: Okay... so it's been forever.  I no longer have internet, though I do continue to write... so yeah.

I put the bottle up to my mouth and took as big of a swallow as I could. As it went down my throat, I could feel a burn almost immediately. I grimaced and shook my head, trying to hand the bottle back to Zach. He was watching me carefully as he took it. I felt like I was going to gag. "Gah! Ew! That is disgusting!" I coughed.

"Spit!" He reminded me sternly. I had forgotten, so I leaned over and spit onto my dirty pile of clothes. It helped a little bit with the taste, but not the nasty feeling in my stomach. He put the bottle to his lips and removed it, looking at me incredulously. "No.. do not tell me that you need a chaser!" He sounded disgusted. I couldn't help but laugh.

"No, I'm good," I lied. I might need one eventually...

"Gut," He replied abruptly and took a mouthful of the vile whiskey into his mouth before swallowing. How he did it, I do not know. He then leaned over and spit right onto my rug... not just normal spit... a big, fucking glob of wet alcohol spit. Normally that would have made me go bat shit crazy, but right now it didn't bother me all too much. I laughed a little actually.

"That's disgusting, dude," I told him, grinning slightly. He shrugged and took another large swallow.

"Mm, I love Jim Beam," He said happily and passed me the bottle. I had already taken about four shots, and I was soon done for the night. My eye lids were already becoming heavy. I took it though and took in a little less than a mouthful. It seemed to accidentally slip. I tried to swallow it quickly, and gagged slightly on it.

"Okay, okay, I'm good," I declared and spit onto my clothes again. "You know what... I do need something else to drink." I stood up.

"Ach, come on!" Zach complained. "Do no be a pussy!"

"I am quite fine with being a pussy right now, thank you very much!" I called over my shoulder as I left the room... probably wasn't the smartest thing to do since we were drinking up in my room while everyone else was asleep. I walked quietly downstairs, trying not to trip, and entered the kitchen. I grabbed a soda and noticed Killian sleeping under the kitchen table. I was surprised he hadn't woken up.

I soon made my way up the stairs and back into my room, where I placed my drink down on my nightstand. Zach was smoking a cigarette, and I noticed he was also ashing on my floor. "Dude!" I complained. "I have a mutha fuckin ashtray!" I gave it a little "ghetto attitude". Yeeeah... I was drunk alright.

"Well then give it to me!" He glared at me. I laughed and stood up to retrieve the ashtray from my dresser top. I handed it to him and sat back down, crossing my legs slightly. I noticed that Zach was sitting with one leg stretched out behind me, his foot touching my back lightly, and the other one over the side of my bed with his foot on the ground. It looked uncomfortable. His precious Jim Beam was near his crotch...

"You know what we must do sometime?" He suddenly began speaking, staring at my window with a dazed look.

"What?" I asked.

"We need to smoke weed together... have you ever?" He asked. "I sort of assumed you did."

"Um, no actually...," I answered, fiddling with a hole in my shorts.

"Oh, shit! We have to then...," He said, sounding excited. I looked up at him. His eyes were bloodshot and droopy. He was definitely fucked up. I glanced at the bottle to see that only about a quarter of it was left. He took one final drag of his cigarette and then smashed the ember into the ashtray. Smoke came slowly out of his mouth. That smoke makes him look sexy. I practically jumped when I thought that. I looked around, probably looking like a total jackass, as if the whole house could hear my thoughts. I looked back up to see him taking his green, mint hat off and putting it back on. It must have been bothering him.

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