Happy birthday Raven!

47 4 8

Purple panta boii

I scratched my head.

I am shook.


My weave is snatched.

Where the actual fuck am I.

I looked around for a sign of anything, anywhere. Nothing. Hm. I was in a white room with white walls and it seemed to go on forever. I tried running in one direction. It felt like I was getting no where... This is even weirder than that time Angie dabbed at a party because "Atua was feeling the rhythm "


Is that?


"Saihara channnn!" I called with a singsong voice. He didn't answer. He just... Turned away. That's.....weird...... He usually at least talks to me.... He's not one to ignore me...... Am I being loud? Too annoying? AHH WHAT IS IT!? wait.

Kokichi you absolute fucking toe you're in the middle of nowhere no shit he can't hear you.

I ran and ran until I huffed and puffed. Sweat was pouring down my neck and my legs ached. I was so thirsty. I needed water... I hurt so bad...I finally reached Him! Finally! I was so close I could touch his back. I reached out then stopped.

Why am I hesitating?

I decided I was being stupid and reached out my hand. My fingertips touched his shoulder. In a split second his head snapped 360 degrees, his face was blank except for a dark red bleeding smile.

"AGH!" I shrieked as I tumbled backwards onto the ground. The floor beneath me shattered like glass and I fell. I was falling. Into darkness. The world around me didn't move and all except for the occasional whistle of wind as I fell and fell and fell and fell and fell and fell and fell and fell and fell and fell and fell and fell and fell and fell and fell and fell and fell and fell and fell into the darkness. The only thing that changed was that it got



Yet darker.

I was never ending. All I could do was fall. Fall fall fall fall fall fall fall Fall fall fall fall fall fall fall Fall fall fall fall fall fall fall Fall fall fall fall fall fall fall Fall fall fall fall fall fall fall Fall fall fall fall fall fall fall Fall fall fall fall fall fall fall Fall fall fall fall fall fall fall fALL FALL FALL FALL FALL FALL FALL FALL FALL F
I shot up, sweating. Was it a dream? Oh thank god. Oh geez, I'm... I'm ok... Get a hold of yourself Ouma.... Come on..... Not now..... I began to breathe heavily, it only worsening as I realized who's room I was in.


I moved off of the couch and towards the bed. Where he was sleeping. Where my beloved was sleeping. I took the corner of the comforter and slid into the bed, beside him.


It's me.

Those words... Begging to be said..... It would be so funny if he woke up right now.... Not to mention what could happen if he did....... My breathing slowed and I felt calm. Calmer then I've ever felt. I turned around in the bed and stared at the wall. I took deep breaths.

In through the nose,

Out through the mouth.

Just like how she taught you.

I felt a pair of warm and surprisingly strong hands wrap around my midsection and pull me closer to him. I sighed and smiled. Everything was perfect right now.

And then they did the do.

oh what you were expecting smut?
One thing you should know about me is I'm a slutty for some good fluff. You may call me,

The fluff queen :D

You may call AGeekyBear,

The angst queen :'(



this book will be going on a short hiatus due to school, sorry for your inconvenience!


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