Iwanna a cherch gurl that go to cherch

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Absolute weeb traitor

I took a look at the situation around me. On the outside I was calmer than I had ever looked, probably with a smirk on my face. But internally, I was screaming. Kiibo had found a way to tie me up and everyone around me was going insane. Momota was crying while holding something, screaming how he just wanted to watch a movie.

Shinguji was in the corner going between laughing and crying and yelling to no one in particular to stop.

Chabashira was on the counter holding yumeno as she clung to her neck.

But Kiibo...

Was standing above me with his blaster pointed directly at me. Is this how I die? Is this truly how I'm going to die? I'm going to die being such a horrible person too...... I looked at the kitchen light above me as I remembered the past before I came here........

"Tsumugi hurry up fatty!" A kid yelled as he Jogged in from of me. Not going fast, but still faster than me. I tried
My hardest to keep up, I didn't need this today. I had already been torn apart by a couple of cosplayers online, being told I was "too fat" To pull the cosplay off, and that it wasn't even a good one at that. I had cried all morning. I remembered my mom coming downstairs.

"What's wrong honey?" She had said, acting like she cared.

"I got called fat by a couple cosplayers online." I said through sobs. It sounded dumb thinking about it now, that I was so ruined about something so insignificant. But back then, it was the most important thing to me ever.

"Oh... " My mom didn't have the slightest idea what cosplay was and obviously didn't try to. She just said,

"I'm sure you're fine. You're not ugly! Your my favorite person." She said as she kissed the top of my head and left my room.

I never said ugly.....

I remembered high school. The first year...  Before I went to hopes peak...

"Hey tsu-mo!" Some kid I didn't even know yelled at me, throwing a crumpled up piece of paper.

"God what do you eat?"

I squinted my eyes, trying not to cry in the middle of the hallway.

Later that day I stood on the roof, ready to rid the overpopulated world of another extra person it doesn't need.

Then I saw a flyer.


I loved it the first second I watched it.

The action!

The drama!

The brutal murders and executions!

I loved it all. So much so that I began to BECOME one of the characters. I decided to lose a ton of weight over the summer, so that I could finally start to cosplay better.

It worked.

I was the best. The best of the best. So much so, that I was invited to the school for the best of the best.

Until SHE brainwashed me.

Until SHE ruined it all....

I opened my eyes to see kiibo standing over me, but this time, he looked as if he had just seen a ghost. I realized his foot had been touching me the whole time.

"Kiibo.... Did you.....?" I asked with an ounce of regret. He nodded solemnly. Taking his foot away from my arm, and pointing the blaster at the ground, rather than at me. I began to cry.

I heard someone walk into the kitchen only to walk right out again, mumbling about how it didn't need to be chocolate. Tears Cascaded down the my face as I stared wide-eyed at kiibo.

"Why?" I asked. Kiibo looked away.

"Because I like to be nice to my friends. You're one of them aren't you?" He said with the hint of a smile in his serious expression.

"But.... But after everything!" I said, beginning to cry more.

(Quick PSA, tsumugi was revealed as the traitor, but before anyone  could do anything, she fled. Which is why it was such a big surprise to everyone that she was there.)

"I don't see the point in holding grudges. If you're sorry, which I'm assuming you are, and you won't do it again, then staying mad at you won't change anything except what's happening in the present. I forgive you, shirogane San" He smiled at me.

"Th-thank you....." I said, sobbing. I heard a scream, for kiibo to shoot me......

"Move" He said, serious all of a sudden.

"W-what?" I sputtered, still crying.

"Run, go, get out of the way!" He said urgently.

Then it hit me.

I knew what I was supposed to do.

I rolled as fast as I could out the door while the chaos around me went on. As soon as I was out side of the kitchen I ran. I didn't know where I was going, probably back to the motherkuma room. But no matter where I was going, because of kiibos actions, I would never bother them again.

I don't even fucking like tsumugi and I made a whole goddamn chapter abt her kill me

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