Draft part 1: Alice in wonderland

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Alice was only six when her parent decided that they no longer needed a daughter in their life and saw her as a liability.

They took the young girl out to the woods were they knew no one could find her body, afterall they thought no one would remember someone like her. They kicked and beaten her small body, leaving firy bruises everywhere they touched, igniting screams of pain that echoed through the cold, dark forest.

After a while of what seemed like endless torture they stopped and left her crumbled body to die, her vision began to fade as she saw the last remaining bit of light from their car as is faded into the night and as it disappeared, so did her consciousness.

After several days of starving in the woods someone had found her. When she awoke she  was met by a family of clowns all disfigured and horribly misshapen but they had accepted young Alice with open arms, from then on she joined the circus, for once she longer felt the overbearing hatred of her parents weigh on her fragile heart.

For years she spent performing shows with her new family performing hilarious acts to astounding disappearing shows. Young Alice wasn't young anymore and had reached her maturity of 18 she was pleasantly accustomed to the life she had lived for 12 years.

One day while taking down the tent with her colorfully assorted family they heard noises behind them, loud thunderous noises it was the sound of people. But the show was over and Alice wondered why would anyone come back out to their tent?

And then her eyes widened in horror and disbelief and she saw whom were leading the group of people torches and guns in hand with murderous looks upon their faces. It was her parents, or much rather her parents of her past.

Abandoned Alice (creepypasta draft) Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang