Chapter 11

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I went to walk past Ray and just meet Nagisa somewhere else but he grabbed my arm.

"Ow!" I yelled at him "Let go of me! I want nothing do with you asshole!"

"You really think I meant for her to get hurt? If you want someone to blame then blame Father. He's the one that caused it to happen."

"You're the one that rigged it though." I hissed

"Because he disgraced me for not wanting to take up the training he was trying to put me through. Then he had the nerve to steal money from my new family."

"You mean the gang that you played errand boy for?" I scoffed

"I wasn't an errand boy. I was one of them." he said angrily, tightening his grip

"I'm gonna enjoy killing you. You're gonna pay for the shit you pulled." I growled quietly so only he could hear and used my free hand to pull out my dagger

I did a flip over him so I was behind him with the blade to his neck. He let go of my arm and began to shake in fear.

"You won't actually kill me right?" he asked, his voice frail and weak from fear

I pushed him over to a secluded alley without saying a word. I grabbed a rock and smashed one of the empty beer bottles that littered the ground. Careful not to get my fingerprints on it, I placed a large glass shard in his hand before forcing him to stab it into his jugular. I walked out of the alley with a smirk but widened my eyes to see Koro sensei staring at me.

"Explain." he said, beyond pissed at what I had done "Killing someone out of anger and revenge is not the answer to anything."

"I don't have to explain anything to you." I said monotonously, shutting him out "You're not my father."

I kept a stoic face as I walked off. I made sure to keep my composure until I was out of sight of him then broke out into a run, not knowing where I was going. Tears streamed my faced as I ran aimlessly.

"Skye?" I heard Nagisa call, his voice full of concern

"Not now Nagi." I sniffled, not bothering to stop running

I turned into an empty warehouse and leaned against the wall. I tried to calm be breathing, which right now was nothing but ragged panting. I punched the wall,  hoping it would help with everything I was feeling. I recoiled in pain as my hand broke against the concrete and slid my back down the wall until I was sitting on the floor with my knees to my chest. I pulled out my blade and began to cut the same familiar line across my arms. I could feel a small amount of my emotional pain ease as I carved fresh gashes up and down both my arms. Unfortunately, the pain was enough to fix everything like it usually would be. I put the blade away and buried my face in my knees as cried softly to myself. 

Eventually I wiped my tears, dragged my ass to a walk in clinic, and got my hand looked at. The doctor put a cast on my hand, bandaged my arms, and dismissed me after giving me some pain meds. I thanked him and wandered around the streets, hoping to find a close bar. To my surprise, there was one a few blocks away. It was a karaoke bar but that didn't put any less alcohol in the booze so I didn't care.

I walked in and ordered a line of seven shot. I hit them one after the other, not bothering to stop between them, then ordered a beer. After I had a few drinks in my system things felt slightly less intense. Life still felt unbearably shitty but at least it was a little less shitty than before. Just before I could order another drink, a guy came up behind me.

"Why the long face pretty lady?" he asked

"Not now asshole. I'm clearly not in the mood." I hissed and turned back to the bartender

Once again he interrupted me before I could order my drink.

"Well this is a karaoke bar after all. Maybe singing about your troubles will help a little bit." he said "I'm the DJ here and I'm trying to scout some pretty faces brave enough to give singing a go."

I didn't say anything as I glared at him. The silence lingered for a minute before he broke it.

"Tell you what..." he said "Give it a go and I'll buy you another drink when your done. If it helps, it helps. If it doesn't, then no harm done. Either way you have nothing to lose and a free drink to gain from it."

"Fine." I said, half-regretting doing so, and followed him to the DJ area

I brought up the instrumental version of the song I was going to be singing. I walked onto the stage and waited for the music to start. The song began to play and I started to sing.

I finished the song and walked off the stage. I made my way back to the bar, the DJ following behind me.

"What'll it be?" he asked with a smiled

"Scotch on the rocks and you out of my face. I'd rather not have anyone in my face while I drink it all away."

He understood and backed off. I finished off the scotch and did another line of seven shots before ordering another whiskey. Empty bottle after empty bottle piled up as well as the shot glasses. Eventually the bartender cut me off. He was afraid I'd give myself alcohol poisoning. I went to check the time on my phone but my vision was too blurred to read it so I just gave up and put it away.

I stumbled my way to the corner store and picked up a few six packs of my favorite beer. Once I paid I made my way to the park and settled comfortably against a tree.

>>>>>time skip to school the next morning<<<<<

Karma's P.O.V

"Where's Skye?" Kataoka "It's not like her to miss school."

"Come to think of it... I didn't see her with you at the festival either." Kimura said to Nagisa

He scratched the back of his neck awkwardly "Yeah.. about last night. I saw her but she wasn't in the mood to talk." he sighed

"What do you mean?" I asked

"She ran passed me crying her eyes out. I tried to see what was wrong but she just shut me out and kept running." he explained

"Why didn't you go after her?" I yelled at him

"Because I know her. If you try to force her to open up when she's in too fragile of a state.. she'll push you out of her life completely. Even if it hurts her. She needs alone time." he said sadly "I hate letting her go off like that though because she always does the same things. She either drinks until she blacks out or she cuts. When things are really bad she does both."

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