Be Quiet!

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AN note: OMG THANK YOU SO GOD DAMN MUCH! I just realized how many people like this. I'll try to update more often guys! 

~~ Yoosung's POV ~~

I could instantly feel the crimson red creeping onto my face as I tried to find a pillow to hide my face with. I thanked the Lord once I found one and threw my face into it.

I could hear Luciel's chuckle as words started to leave his mouth.
"Aww~ it's fine~ I won't tell anyone. But you have to do something for me." I could already see his teasing grin without looking at him. My mumbly voice barely managed to muffle through the thickness of the pillow, 
"It depends. What is it?" I was rather concerned because I know how he acts. He's literally the most closeted gay I've met. In fact, he acts like it with all the members and it's super annoying when I try to talk to MC. I just want to talk to her and flirt with her and then 707 gets all super jealous and starts flirting with me. I obviously don't like it. But that's my texts. I really do like i- Nevermind. I finally hear his response,

"Suck my dick." I could feel my face going even more warm, throwing the pillow at him, 
"You're serious?!" I shouted - Saeyoung has some nerve! Ugh, I hate him but I also like him. As a friend of course.
I could hear that annoying laugh leaving his mouth, and I noticed the light rose on his cheeks and I spoke, "Are you blushing?"

The annoying laugh had paused before he laughed even louder, a tint of nervousness in between parts of it, "Of course not! It was a joke idiot. All you need to do is give me one kiss."

I rolled my eyes, not even leaning close -- in fact, I leaned back because I could see 707's face coming closer to mine. I picked the pillow up swiftly and made him kiss the pillow, 
"I'm not gay, Luciel. I'm into GIRLS. Not men." I exhaled, rather bothered by his statements and voice.
"Yoosung, please? It's only a kiss." I ponder in my mind when he talked about the kiss but I just shouted in annoyance,
"FINE YOU IDIOT! But this means nothing, seriously. If you tell MC you're dead." I huffed before grabbing his collar.

~~ cliffhanger ;) ~~

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2018 ⏰

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