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Yoosung packed rather quicker than usual. Not that he was excited to see Seven again, because he's not gay. He was out of the dorm and ran over to Seven's house which took about 21 minutes and 36 seconds. But he wasn't counting, because again -- he's not gay.
He is straighter than a line.

It wasn't long until he got impatient and threw his fist onto the door 3 times, still it didn't open. He swiftly tapped the buttons on his phone and it took about 1 minute and 3 seconds for the door to finally swing open - but again, he wasn't counting because he's not gay at all. Though, he does make excuses to go see Saeyoung sometimes that's only because he wants his Honey Buddha Chips.

As soon as his shoes press against the floor, out of his peripheral vision he spots Seven, about to scare him - within mere milliseconds Saeyoung had tackled Yoosung, he was merciless, knowing how weak Yoosung was with his ticklish spots so instantly he started to tickle him. Then he began to notice the rosy cheeks that got thrown onto Yoosung's face, 
"Why are your cheeks rosy? They're not like that all the time."  He questioned, stopping tickling him.
It wasn't long before his rosy cheeks morphed into crimson red ones before he spoke up, "A-ah. I didn't notice. Because you scared me, of course." He nervously giggled, not because he was gay. But because it was embarrassing.

The atmosphere became awkward before Seven jumped up in happiness, ignoring the fact that Yoosung's cheeks were going the same colour as his red locks. 
"Right. So um. You know that disorder thing I was talking about?" Luciel had changed facial expression rather quickly which left a tint of worry inside of Yoosung's violet eyes,
"Mhm.." Yoosung was still sitting on the floor.
"It was a lie," Luciel confessed before Yoosung gave a rather harsh glare, "Before that chat room I had told MC that we needed to get you off your games... since you know - we'd prefer it if you were more s-" 

Before he finished his sentence, Yoosung already started his pout,
"UGHH YOU BITCH! Do you know how much progress I could've made in these 23 minutes and 58 seconds?!" He paused, pouting out his lower lip,
"You've been counting..?" Luciel raised a brow at his words, a cheeky smirk. Soon enough, Yoosung realized his mistake.

~~ Yoosung's POV ~~

I'm so pissed at Saeyoung! He tricked me like he always does!
 "UGHH YOU BITCH! Do you know how much progress I could've made in these 23 minutes and 58 seconds?!" I pause, shoving my lower lip out harshly.

  "You've been counting..?" Luciel raised a brow at my words, a cheeky smirk. Soon enough, I realized his mistake. 
"N-NO!" I shout instantly. Saeyoung reaches out his hand, obviously still with that.. adorabl- smirk. I'm not gay. Just think he looks alright.
I took the opportunity to grab Luciel's hand and threw myself up back onto my feet -- my lower lip was still pouted out and then he grasped it rather harshly and tugged on it, obviously this left a little red mark on it. My cheeks went rosy again before I attempted to pull Luciel's finger away,
"Get off, pervert!" I shouted, a soft stutter between my words.
"Ah, so touching your lip makes me be labelled a pervert?"
"Uhm, duh! It's like a private part. It's sensitive. How would you like it if I tugged on your lower lip."
"ᶦ'ᵈ ˡᶦᵏᵉ ᶦᵗ" He spoke softly, muttering as his head faced down at me,
"You'd what?"
"Nothing." Another cheeky smile left his mouth before I slapped him, leaving a red mark on his cheek,
"Revenge." I chuckled before running over to the couch and pouncing onto it, "So, what're going to do?"

I HATE THIS YOOSEVEN OMGJKNqdsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora