Chapter 11

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1 month later


I've been so stressed out lately because I keep feeling the need to apologize to Lani but my pride was to high, I'm not sure if we fucked that night or if she just helped me out. Mel stopped talking to me because of some incident she was rambling about. Most of the time when i'm drunk I don't remember shit and it's annoying because I feel like i'm gonna do something so dumb and it's going to affect me in a very bad way.

"Man jus' go ahead and go talk to ha' because you ain't even listenin' ta' me and you trippin' fa' what?" Aug shook his head

"Nah i'm good" I shook my leg violently and played with my fingers

"Ok I will" I stood up grabbing my keys and jogged to my purple rolls Royce and got in and drove towards her house


I knocked and she answered smiling then when she saw me her smile faded away, she was wearing a pink silk robe and her hair was in a messy bun

"Hey we need to talk.." I mumbled

"Chris I-" she was cut off by a male voice, arms wrapped round her and a chin rested on her shoulder

"Who this baby?" He asked her

"A friend, I uh just came to see if she was good that's all" I lied

"Aight that's cool, what's ya' name bruh?" He asked kissing her cheek

"Chris" i gave him a duh tone

"Ohh that singing nigga ain't it?" He chuckled

"Yea..."I looked him up and down before walking off her porch

"Bye Chris" Kehalni giggled as he nibbled on her ear, I swallowed the lump in my throat and nodded getting in my car and driving off. I can't believe she's moved on so quickly, now I knew how she really felt..Anger and hurt swept over me and I drove faster. I looked down then up and saw a deer then I swerved the car. It flipped over and over then I saw black.


Breaking News
Singer Chris Brown has been in an extreme car accident on the road that leads out of town. He has serious injuries and the nurses say he might not make it.

"WHAT!" I screamed

"Baby you ok?" Andrew walked in the living room

"Chris had an accident.." I sobbed

"Oh shit what hospital?" He asked

"They never said!" I sat down and put my face in my hands, this was all my fault. I felt a dip in the couch and Andrew kissed my forehead

"It's gonna be ok, he'll pull through" he whispered

"But I nev-" he cut me off

"Shhh Chris is a strong man like you said baby he will be fine" he rubbed my back in slow circles. I sat up and took a deep breath. He will be fine..

"Ok" I sighed


"Oh my goodness Christopher!" I dropped my purse seeing him in a coma. I touched his hands and snatched them away quickly.

"Doctor He is very hot for an odd reason" I said and he ran to Chris' monitor

"The patients temperature is rising rapidly, I NEED A NURSE" he yelled and a woman ran in and quickly ran some tests

"Don't let my husband die please!" I began to cry, this is all Kehlani's fault and the bitch never bothered to show up.

"We won't ma'am" he assured me

"His body is going into shock! Parish CPR stat!"


I peeked round  hoping I could see his handsome face.


When Chris wakes up I'm going to accept him back in my life because I know now that he's over that bitch.


"His body temperature is dropping back to normal, he is going be ok. We have given him a dose of morphine so he will be in a tiny bit of pain when he's up" the doctor smiled and i sat down next to Chris on a chair.

1 hour later

I felt the need to kiss those juicy pink lips again. I stood up and rested my hand on his cheek. I leaned in connecting our lips, I can believe I was making out with someone in a coma, then suddenly my arms wrapped around my waist and Chris kissed back. My eyes widened and I blushed then pulled away.

"Baby are you ok?" I pecked his lips one more time

"Yea, I'm just in a little pain" his voice was raspy but he cleared it

"Oh ok" I rubbed his hand

"You like kissing niggas in coma huh Mel?" He smirked and I chuckled

"No baby just you, I mean I couldn't help it" I blushed

"I love you ma" he winked at me

"I love you too" I leaned in for another kiss but was interrupted

"I...shit wow them stairs! Whoo! I came her as fast as I can, is he ok?" I turned seeing Kehlani and Chris didn't even look

"You need water baby?" I asked him and he nodded, I quickly kissed him then walked out.


I looked at him, he was angry and I knew it.

"Why you here?" He asked changing the channel on the small Tv

"Chris I'm sorry ok, you have to move on" He shot me a glare then focused his attention back on the Tv

"You wanna know something?" He asked


"Imma Tell ya the same shit you told me when I was here for you, A'ight?" He said and a tear ran down my face


"Don't talk to me like im your boyfriend or if we have any relation to each other OR ACT LIKE YOU FUCKING CARE!" He shouted

"Chris I do care and you know this"I cried

"Nah you don't and I never wanna see you again Kehlani and I mean it this time, I don't want to have ANYTHING to do with you" he spat and he faced the Tv again, he took my words and threw then back at me.

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