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The backpack weighed heavy on Emma's shoulder as she followed her father and brother into a small dark room, bleachers on one side, and on the other  side, a blank wall. A dark haired man in his early 20's greats her with a smile that didn't seem genuine, and she gave an equally faked smile. Arthur glared at her and she followed him to the bleachers. He too carried a large backpack, filled with "necessary supplies", though Emma personally thought they were being a bit paranoid. How was she even supposed to crawl through the cave with this on her back? Honestly, did they really need three days rations? Whatever. 

"Welcome to Dixie cave adventures! I'll be your guide Jess, and were going to go over some safety rules." And at that point Emma tuned out his voice. She had no need for safety instructions. While everyone else listened to Jess, her mind drifted in her own thoughts, until her father poked her in the back

"Ow! She looked around to see everyone getting up from the bleachers.

"Come on my little day dreamer, it's time to go." Emma struggled not to smile as she got up and went through the small door into the cave


The cave smelled musty and damp. The ceiling was tall and arched, and the floor was covered in water and dust. Despite this, Emma was captivated. The pure simplicity of it, the natural curves and arches, it's beautiful.  Arthur was similarly entranced, but not because of the natural architecture. He was more focused on the gems lining the floor. Their eyes meet and it was as if, in that moment, they were feeling the exact same way. 

She and Arthur followed their father through the cave. Emma tried to take in every detail of the cave, as the ceiling grew shorter and they journeyed deeper and deeper. The tour guide ranted on about the formation of the cave and the gems. The stalactites and stalagmites were tall and pointed, and the boulders are large and  sculpted into odd shapes, like the stuff she had seen in the modern art museum.  Something strange began to happen. He sense seemed to become sharper. She was aware of every edge, every drip of water falling from the ceiling, every scitter of bats and mice. She was so enraptured in the rocks, she didn't notice that her father was drifting away from the group until she bumped into him.

"Oh, sorry dad." She studied his face with concern. He looked scared and jumpy, and he seemed to have aged five years in five minutes. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing. Nothings wrong. Go ahead sweetie, I need to check out something."

"But we have to stay with the group. You could get lost." He laughed. But there was something wrong with it.

"I just need a couple pictures. You go ahead, okay sweetie? I hesitantly nodded and continued forward into the cave. 

Just Beneath the Surface: The Elemental Chronicals- Book 1Where stories live. Discover now