Chapter Forty-seven: Always Have Hope

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"Did you turn in any of those Terry-coupons to make this happen?"


"Then there you go. If you want to feel better, clear away the dishes without being asked. It's not equivalent to her carrying your child, but--"

The screen on Terry's phone lit up, and Terry smiled.

"Don't forget your flowers," John said, going back to work as Terry stood and got ready.

Though today was Valentine's Day, the couples had decided to split the holiday so Terry and Maddie could celebrate today, and John and Izzy, tomorrow. That way, someone could babysit the munchkins.

As Terry passed through the living room, he smiled when he saw the lights in the living room had been turned down. It made him pause to check his breath, just to be sure.

Looking into the kitchen, he saw Maddie at the table, lighting a white taper candle. A second candle flickered in front of her, bringing out the softness of her face, the peaches and cream in her cheeks. The kitchen lights had been turned off, leaving just Maddie. Which was fine with Terry.

He sighed, and she looked up.

"When you fix a romantic dinner, you don't play around." Terry came around her, hugged her with one arm, and he felt her relax against him. "Will you be my Valentine, Maddie?" He presented her with the roses, and her eyes were full of surprise. "You know me better than that," he smiled. "Surely you knew flowers were coming." He smiled as she turned into his arms and hid her face against his neck. "You're not crying again, are you?" When he felt the wet against his skin, he dropped the bouquet on the table, and hugged her.

"I'm going to stop, Terry. I promise."

"You're happy-- I understand." He rocked her and looked at the table she had prepared. "I love your Valentine, Maddie."

"Thank you for the roses," she sniffed, leaving his arms to look at the red blooms. "I didn't expect you to do anything. I really didn't."

"You thought I was too busy," Terry nodded. "I wish you had believed me when I said I could have afforded the time to take you out, tonight. You could have saved yourself some work."

"I wanted to fix your dinner." Maddie took out her crystal vase from a cupboard, filled it with water, then arranged her roses. "You don't mind, do you?" She smiled when he shook his head. "I've been trying so hard to learn to cook, I wanted one night to cook for only you."

"Then I'm happy we stayed in." Terry watched as she carried the vase to the table. "Have you given any thought about what we talked about?"

She shrugged.

"You have your ID now, so it's not a problem." He pulled out her chair. "I know you're frightened about hurting the baby, but you wouldn't start until after Little Bit is born. And by the time you'd take your first driving lesson, there wouldn't be any snow on the ground."

"Aren't you afraid I'll wreck our new sedan?"

He tugged out the chair next to Maddie's, and sat down. "That's just the point. It's yours too. As long as you stay safe wrecking it..." He smiled when she gave him a look. "You want to learn, I know you do."

"You'll be the one to teach me?"

"I'll give it my very best."

She looked comforted, and nodded in agreement.

That night, as they ate, the small circle of light falling about them felt private. As though they were the only ones in the house. They talked about their day like couples usually do, and each time Maddie smiled, Terry smiled too. He couldn't help it, and even if he could, he didn't want to fight it. Why would a naturally hazy sky fight off sunshine?

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Nov 23, 2018 ⏰

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