Chapter Thirty-three: The Search

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When Terry woke the next morning, he rolled onto his back and blinked up at the couch. The pushed away blankets told him that Maddie had already left, the sad fact registering in Terry's heart with a slight twinge of disappointment.

He'd missed seeing her wake up.

Terry blinked the sleep from his eyes, pushed onto his elbow in the sleeping bag and looked about.

From the light coming through the curtains, it was late enough to warrant being awake, even though he fought the urge to sink back into that warm bag and get more sleep.

Resisting the irresistible, Terry wrestled out of bed, pushed onto his feet and groaned as he rubbed his arms in the cooler air. Maddie had done a good job of making his sleeping bag comfortable-- maybe a little too good. He needed to get up though, go looking for some coffee to get his brain working so he could get ready for the day. This was Sunday, and he knew everyone at church would be talking about him and Maddie when they got there.

Yawning, Terry moved into the kitchen and smiled when he found Maddie alone, and staring intently at the coffee maker.

"Hey, Mrs. Davis."

She looked up, gave a pretty smile, then looked back at the coffee maker as though she couldn't afford to lose her concentration. He noticed the pensive stance, the way she hugged herself and knew she had a lot on her mind. She'd changed into her jeans and his sweater, and a thought ambled through Terry that his sweater was probably now hers.

It made him smile.

He kissed her cheek, and when she leaned into him, he tried not to pull her into a tight hug.

She liked his morning beard. He hadn't been sure of it before, but now, as her face lightly scraped across his, he no longer needed to guess. He was beginning to really like those beard caresses. They made him feel strong, like he was a real man, and not just a guy who sat at computers for a living.

"I like having you sleep nearby," she whispered.

"I'm glad to hear that." He rubbed the small of her back, but when Maddie tucked into herself, he stopped, and contented himself with the weight of her against his chest. "Are you happy?" He edged to get a better look at her lowered lashes, those lips parting in a shy girlish smile.

She nodded, briefly meeting his gaze before burrowing her face into his pajama top.

He reached for her, paused, then lightly touched her shoulder. When she showed no signs of distress, he massaged her arm and relished the warmth of her breath.

"I'm making you coffee." She looked up at him with wide gray eyes that showed the depth of just how much she loved him. She hated coffee, and before she could say a word more, Terry claimed her mouth. Her kiss was eager and sweet, and it took restraint not to caress.

When the alarms in his brain went off, he pushed away, but not so much she still couldn't have the refuge of his arms if she needed them.

Maddie kissed his neck, hugged his shoulder and stayed where she was.

"We forgot to set up the coffee maker last night, so I'm trying my very first pot." Maddie spoke cuddled against him, and Terry let his hand drift to her shoulder to keep her there. "Izzy showed me how, but it's the first time I've ever done it on my own. I don't know if I'm getting it right, though." Maddie looked up at him, and he lost himself in that soft gray-eyed gaze.

She loved him. The truth of that never failed to quietly stun him.

"Thank you," he breathed.

"I'm going to take care of you, Terry. I am-- you'll see." She was so serious, so sober, like the fate of the world depended on whether or not she got the coffee right, that he gave her shoulder a slight squeeze.

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