Chapter Twenty-four: A Woman's Joy

Start from the beginning

"Why would Madison cry because of you?"

"Because Maddie is confused." Terry sucked in a deep breath as John came over to better listen. The fish had been forgotten, and Terry knew Abby was struggling with guilt. "It's not because of you. It's not. If I could point to anyone, it would be me."

"But I don't understand."

Finding it hard to put into words, Terry prayed for wisdom. "Maddie feels a lot for me-- how much or how deeply, I can't say, but it's there. When she found out yesterday that I had feelings for her, as well, it caused her pain."


A sigh slipped from Jake, and he nodded knowingly. "Because Madison loves our Uncle Terry, and she doesn't want him to get hurt."

"Why should he get hurt?" The words weren't out of Abby's mouth before she looked as though she finally understood. "Yesterday, Madison told me she couldn't marry Uncle Terry."

Though it didn't surprise Terry, it pained him to hear that, and his pain only seemed to confirm Maddie's concern. He was already getting hurt.

The cell phone in Terry's pocket sounded, and he quickly stepped away to answer the call. Thank the Lord, it was Dr. Jacoby.

"I had a talk with Dr. Bennett."


"And she really does have a full caseload. However, she told me to direct you to her website, and asked you to download the intake form and the medical release files. You and Madison each fill out a set, then give Dr. Bennett a call to make an appointment. She may have to stay after her usual office hours to fit you in, but she will see you both."

"Thank you. Thank you." Terry blew out a sigh of relief and stared up at the heavens. "I can't thank you enough for this. It means a lot to us."

"You're very welcome, Terry. I hope Dr. Bennett works out for you and Madison." A long pause emphasized Dr. Jacoby's next words. "I'm not only thankful for Madison's sake, but also for yours. I believe therapy will do you good, and I mean that in the best possible way. I know the last several months have been hard on you, so try to take advantage of Dr. Bennett's help. For your sake, as well as Madison's, you must take care of yourself. It must be a priority."

"I understand." Terry looked out over the bay, the waves cresting in the wind and forming whitecaps. "You're a good friend, thank you."

After giving Terry the website URL for Dr. Bennett, and talking more about his high opinion of her, Dr. Jacoby hung up to try and resume what was left of his vacation. After getting so involved in their troubles, Terry guessed it wouldn't be easy.

Trying to calm himself, Terry slipped the phone back into his pocket. He needed to take one steady step at a time, but at least he and Maddie were heading in the right direction.

He looked back at the others.

"Important call?" John asked, and Terry nodded.

"We have a psychiatrist."

* * * *

The children were doing kid-safe watercolors at the kitchen table, and from the couch, Madison could hear them busily having fun. Izzy kept hovering between the kitchen and living room, keeping an eye on the munchkins, and keeping Madison company as the TV droned in the background. It made for a lightly noisy house, but Madison didn't mind. She tried to lose herself in just being there, letting the TV do its thing while Izzy commented on the program and the triplets and Ricky made a mess in the kitchen. Like water washing onto the beach, Madison let everything around her flow where it wanted.

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