Chapter Sixteen: Terry's Puppy

Start from the beginning

The moment John hung up, Terry clapped his hands.

"They're coming!"

"They are," John sighed. "Izumi?" John waited a beat until Izzy came to the door. "I just had a call from Abby. She and Jake are taking off early tomorrow morning, and will be here this Saturday. They're calling Dick to tell him their plans."

"This Saturday?" Izzy came in while a triplet moved around her to climb onto John's lap. "Driving cross-country in six days? Can she do that safely?"

"It's doable," Terry replied. "Ambitious with a little kid along, but doable. Come on, John, you know it is. Abby's a good driver."

"She is," John admitted. "I was hoping they'd talk with us before they made reservations, but Abby says everything has been taken care of. They've even thought ahead and bought some new toys for Ricky. He can't play with them until after they're on the road, and Abby says Ricky can hardly wait."

Izzy looked at John. "Did you tell her what Dick's planning, tomorrow?"

"No," John said with a wide smile, "she doesn't know yet. If AJ finds out, it's up to Dick to tell them. He's paying for the whole thing, so I don't want to ruin it if he's trying to keep it a surprise."

From John's lap, Debbie looked up at her daddy. "What surprise?" she asked.

"You'll see tomorrow," John said, and gave her a hug.

"At least they're coming before it snows." Terry stood up from his chair and checked the wall calendar. "Things usually start picking up in October, and November through April, they'd be fighting some road hazards. Icy roads can make for some interesting driving."

"You said it," John sighed. "At least they're coming before it snows."

Izzy shook her head. "I'll feel a lot better after they're home, and I won't stop praying until they are."

"I'll be praying, too," Terry added, moving to the door. "I'm turning in early tonight, but the house is locked up and everyone is present and accounted for."

John grinned and gave Debbie a hug. "It'll be great to have all my daughters back in one place again."

"Amen to that," Terry grinned, and said good night before crossing the hall to his room.

As he closed his door, all happy and expectant over AJ's return, the realization of it began to sink in. Abby would be here before the week was out. While it filled him with hearty gratitude, it also gave him pause to think.

Madison. No one in the family had breathed a word of her to Abby or Jake, and Terry knew why. He could hear it now...

Welcome home, AJ! Who is that stranger on the couch? Oh, it's just my latest needy person. I found her at the campground in the driving rain after dark. Really. No family, no money, and whoa, is she ever needy. But you know me and my crusades.

Oh yeah.

Abby knew his crusades all right, and no one in this family wanted to mention Madison until they absolutely had to.

In a moment of stark clarity, Terry realized Abby was coming home to a total stranger. Jake wasn't as much of a concern, but Abby... she would have something to say about Madison.

Reaching into a pocket, he pulled out his smartphone. He had to get furniture-- enough furniture to make Maddie comfortable in her new apartment. She would need towels, bedding, food in the fridge, plates, pans-- all the things she didn't have and would need. If he had to, he'd give her his things to make sure the move took place before Saturday. And a cell phone. She positively had to have a cell phone. Terry refused to turn Maddie loose in her own apartment without a lifeline back to himself.

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