Chapter Eleven: Guess Who's Coming to Dinner?

Start from the beginning

"Well, you're right-- this isn't about John or the kids."

Emily smiled. "Which leaves Terry."

"Yes, Terry." Izumi paused as the waitress placed glasses of water on the table, then took their orders. When the waitress left, Izumi noticed the pained smile on Emily's face.

"This has something to do with the woman Terry's helping, doesn't it?"

"You could say that." Izumi paused. "How much have you heard?"

"Not much, save for what's floating around town. Her name's Madison, she's homeless, likely has an unpleasant past, and pretty much hides behind Terry. Oh, yes, and she's very beautiful."

"My, my." Izumi sighed deeply. "I hadn't realized how much had already gotten around."

"Izumi, it's a small town."

"So I've noticed." Izumi waited as the waitress set their plates before them. When they were alone, Izumi leaned forward. "What else have you heard?"

"Aside from ridiculous gossip, that's it."

"What gossip?"

"That he's having an affair with that woman. I don't believe it for a moment, and neither does anyone else who really knows Terry. But you are concerned about him-- I can see it in your face. What's wrong? Is he having another breakdown?"

"Not yet, but I believe he's close to one. Oh, Emily, it's like watching a train wreck in slow motion."

"What can I do to help? Maybe we could organize another prayer group in Terry's behalf, like the one we had when Victor was around."

"That's definitely an idea, but not the reason I asked you to meet me. I was wondering if you'd like to have dinner at our house tomorrow evening."

"Oh." Emily shrugged. "Sure. I guess."

"The thing is," Izumi sucked in a deep breath, "it wouldn't be just dinner with John and me. It would also be with Terry."

"Uh-huh. With Terry." Emily narrowed her eyes. "What exactly are you trying to ask?"

"What I'm asking is this: Are you interested enough in Terry, to find someone to watch your father so you can come to our house for dinner? No commitments, no obligations other than to show up and see how you and Terry like the idea of getting a little friendlier."

Emily raised her brows. "You mean, as in a date?"

"You could call it that, though it's really just dinner at our house. It's not too far-fetched, is it? You already know Terry, and he knows you. So why not come and see what happens?"

"Did Terry ask you to ask me?"

Izumi hesitated before answering. "He doesn't know I'm asking you, but he knows I'm playing matchmaker, and I have his blessing. He's looking for a wife, Emily. The first person I thought of was you."

"Then I'll come." It breathed through Emily's lips like someone accepting a dare. "Like you said, we'll just see what happens. I've always admired and respected Terry, although for some reason, I've always thought he was uninterested in settling down like John. But Terry's a good person."

"Yes, he is."

"Of course," Emily added, her head tilting to one side, "the fact he's also painfully handsome doesn't hurt, either."

Quiet hope threaded into Izumi's thoughts. She had picked the right woman.

"What time do you want me?"

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