Chapter 23 - Another year has gone by

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Dad organized another birthday party. I can't believe he did it again. I should have scheduled my return from my little vacation for a week after my birthday. Damn!

After the graduation party at my parents' house, I told everyone that I would go away for a while to just relax. Dauntless was well taken care of, school was over, and there was nothing important scheduled for the next couple of weeks.

I didn't tell anyone where I went, just that I needed a sandy beach and some time to myself. Thankfully, my parents understood that, and allowed me to go. Even more thankful, after today, they don't have to allow me anything anymore. Legally, I will be an adult.

I did stay in touch with Shauna, though, only telling her I went to Hawaii after I arrived there four days prior. I even spoke to Tobias a couple of times, but kept it rather casual. A part of me wanted to say I was on my way to meet a hot Hawaiian surfer, but soon realized what a jerk I'd be. Just because it bothered me that he was oh so in love with his girlfriend, didn't mean I had to be so petty and lie that I went to shag another guy.

Now, however, I had to see him again. Marlene already told me that her brother came home for the summer, and I could only hope that he wouldn't bring his girlfriend to my birthday. Although, there wouldn't really be a reason for him not to. I sighed in frustration as I put on my shorts and a formfitting tank top.

As I went downstairs, I could already hear everyone chatting happily, but once they saw me, they started singing "Happy Birthday". I went around to greet everyone, and thank them for coming, despite not having them invited, but whatever.

When I get to Tobias, I am hesitant to hug him, and for a moment, I look around to find Myra. When I don't see her, I go to hug him, and what I intended to be a brief friendly hug, turns into a five-Mississippi embrace. It feels so good to be in his arms. But I will myself to break the contact, sure that if I don't do it now I won't ever be able to.

"Thanks for coming," I tell him, and he smiles at me warmly. His eyes sparkle, and for a fleeting moment I allow myself to daydream that it is because of me.

"I wouldn't dare missing your eighteenth birthday," he says, and kisses my cheek.

I am pulled backwards by someone, and almost land on my butt, when I recognize my Uncle Joe. I hug him tightly, while he wishes me a 'Happy Birthday'. I thank him, and go to hug my aunt, and a few other people. By the time everyone is greeted, we all sit down to eat. Dad decided on a barbecue, since the weather is nice and, frankly, no one was in the mood for anything too fancy.

While Dad is preoccupied with his buddies, and Mom is engaged in a conversation about who knows what with all the ladies, I sit on the hammock just watching them. My friends are chatting with our older siblings about college, asking a million questions, never leaving the older ones enough time to answer properly.

I lie down, and stare up into the sky, but the light is too bright, and I close my eyes to shield them from the sun. At some point, I must have fallen asleep, because the next thing I know is someone is shaking me lightly. I open my eyes with some difficulty, only to look into the ones I've been dreaming about for all these years. Tobias. I can't help the smile that is forming on my face and decides to stay there.

"Hey," he says, his voice deep and rumbling. The sound of it alone makes my heart pound and my core overflow.

"Hey," I reply sleepily.

"Food is ready," he tells me, and I turn my head a little to see everyone at the table, already digging in.

"I must have fallen asleep," I say, as I sit up, but don't move to leave the comfy hammock.

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