Chapter 2 - Prom night

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Dad ended up punishing me, and rewarding my bitch sister. Not only did she get a new dress, but she was allowed to go to prom, and Dad paid for everything.

He forbade me to go to the prom, despite me asking nicely. I had to tell Tobias that I was grounded. He wanted to blow off the prom as well, saying it wouldn't be the same without me. However, I told him to go anyway. It is his senior prom, and it will be the last chance for him to spend time with his friends before college.

What angered me most, however, was that Dad forbade me to go to Houston, Texas, to start my internship at NASA. It would have been a great opportunity, and I begged him to let me go. But with Shauna standing nearby commenting on how immature I am and how I deserve my punishment, he didn't buckle. Even Mom couldn't convince him to give in.

That's what prompted me to do a very childish, and immature thing. I stole Shauna's diary, again, and I didn't just read it, but I found something interesting. If she wants to hurt me, well, I'm not above doing something extremely stupid as well.

I watched from the roof of our house, how a black limo drove up to the curb. I waited patiently for Zeke to exit and ring our doorbell and Shauna to come out, until I made them look up at me.

"Hey Zeke," I yell, and not only he, but Shauna, Nita, and my parents look upwards. I watch as Tobias gets out of the car, and wonder if I should really do this. I shake my head. She deserves this. If they treat me like a child, then that's how I'll act.

"Tris, get down there this instant!" Dad yells, and I shake my head.

"Not until I say what I had to say. Hey Zeke, did you know Shauna cheated on you with Dean Miller? It was last summer, while you were camping," I say grinning. I look from him to my sister, who looks shocked. "You can read all about it in her diary. I already marked the place where she compares your dicks. It's really juicy," I say, and throw the book down, where it lands at Zeke's feet. He looks up at me, his expression serious. I look from him to Shauna, who looks like she could kill me. Mom and Dad look shocked and angry, although I don't know what angered them more. And then I turn my gaze toward Tobias, who just shakes his head disapprovingly.

"Unlike the evil rumors you started about me in school for the past year, this is actually true. I hope you have a nice time at your senior prom, you cheating whore!" I yell.

I don't wait for anyone to say anything, and climb back down into my room. I make sure my door is locked, not wanting for Dad to barge in. But ten minutes later, I hear him pound on my door. He pounds so hard, that I think he might even break it down. I remain seated calmly at my window, staring outside, letting tears of frustration run down my cheeks. The knocking eventually stops, and I know Mom pulled Dad away. I faintly heard her voice, but couldn't understand what she was saying.

Caleb texts me about two hours later to see how I am. I text back, I'm fine, just want to be alone. Not a minute later another text comes in. It's from Tobias.

Tobias: Can we talk?

Tris: I'm not in the mood.

He doesn't text back, and I assume that's it. But shortly after, my phone rings. It's Tobias. Boy, he's insistent. Can't he take a hint? I decide to let it go to voicemail, not at all in the mood to talk. But when he still doesn't give up after ten whole minutes, I answer the phone.

"Finally!" he exclaims, irritated.

"Don't you take a hint? I'm not in the mood to talk," I say, just as irritated.

"Why did you do that?" he asks. "Why did you have to tell Zeke that Shauna cheated?"

"Because he deserves to know," I counter, albeit weakly. I did it out of spite, not because I wanted justice for Zeke.

"Really? On his prom night? You couldn't have waited another day? Or talked to him in private?" Tobias asks reproachfully.


"You just did it to hurt Shauna," he says matter-of-factly, but with a hint of disappointment.

"So what if I did? It's not like she didn't deserve it," I snap at him.

"That was really childish of you."

"What did you expect? Everyone, including you, thinks I'm a child. Well, then it's only logical I act like one. Don't you think?" I almost yell at him, but bite my lip to keep me from crying. I can't take this any longer. Why isn't he on my side? He is MY boyfriend. He is supposed to be on my side.

"Fine. Be like that!" he says angry. "FYI, Shauna already told Zeke she had slept with Dean. And not that it is any of your concern, but they were broken up at the time." What? I didn't know that. "As you can now see, all your effort was in vain or mostly in vain. I hope you're happy. You didn't just ruin Shauna's night, but also Zeke's, and mine. Why couldn't you just let it go?" he asks exasperated.

"What? Why do I have to let always things go? What about her? Why am I always treated one moment like a five-year-old, but when it comes to apologizing I should act like an adult? You know what? You can all go fuck yourselves! Don't call me again! I don't need traitors surrounding me!" I yell and hang up.

The moment the connection is broken, I break down in tears. Now, more than ever, I am grateful that my room was soundproofed when I was little because of the night terrors I used to get. I don't want anyone to know how miserable I am. I am so beyond devastated that it takes me hours before I pass out from the exhaustion.

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