Capitolo Quinto

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Alexis looked at me like i just time traveled or some shit. Her eyes were bugging and her mouth was open, ready to catch flies.

"...listen bitch... i'm not even gonna lie when i tell you the same shit happened to me too," she said with her eyes still wide open.

"What do you mean the same thing?"

"The guy from the mall that was all up on me? yeah he's here too. When we parted ways i was going to the bathroom to freshen up and he came out from the boys as i was about to go in. We made eye contact and he smiled at me and then i was gone, Like a bitch ran like a fucking dog was chasin me. I ran into one of the empty classrooms not thinking that he was gonna follow me, but he did. I saw him running towards me through the window and locked the doors. he tried to get me out but when i said i wouldn't open the door he talked about how he was gonna punish me and he kept calling me bella or bambino-"

"Shut the fuck up! me too!"

"Yeah, well i saw him leave so i made a dash for it but my heels were making too much noise so i took em off by the stairs but when i looked up he was there. i ran in the other direction but he caught me and pulled me into the janitors closet. He said he was gonna punish me too and shit after that he let me go."

we starred at each other, both our eyes buggin' and people looking at us weird.

How the fuck did we both find ourselves in the same situation?

"But-but how? how is it that both mysterious guys somehow go to our school?" i asked quietly

"I don't know bitch but when i tell you he made my panties damn near slide off-"

"Oh did I?" A low voice said. Alexis and I both looked up at the 2 very handsome men before us. The one that just spoke was looking at Alexis like she was his first meal in days, and when i slowly looked up at Luca he was looking at me the same way.

"N-no not you." Alexis said while looking at anything but this guy.

"Mhmm mentire di nuovo,"he said while giving her a playful glare. (mmhmm lie agin)

My breathing became shallowed as i stared into my mystery guys eyes that seemed to be growing darker.

he better not be a werewolf, although that would explain the sudden claim and changing eyes and shit.

"I'm not a werewolf bambino, but that doesn't change the fact that you are mine." stop talking out loud Daluchi.

"Now why don't we go to class, huh bella?" Alexis's mystery man said. He didn't ask, he said it. with no room of questioning.

"U-uh i n-need to talk to Daluchi.." Alexis, stuttering? what has this guy done?

"You can talk later. We need to go to class." Luca said while pushing me towards Dual credit English, while Alexis and that guy went into Physics.

I tried shaking his arms off my shoulders but he kept them there firmly. I could feel the heat coming off his hands onto my shoulders.

I didn't notice when he leaned down to whisper in my ear, "Did you, or did you not see me in the hallway?"

Should I lie? no he will know. But what if he adds to the punishment? he can't punish you. he ain't your daddy. But-but. no buts tell him the truth and be confident, he can't do shit.

"Yes," i said while puffing out my chest a bit.

"Then why didn't you wait?" while he asked, his tongue came out a decided to pay a little visit to my ear lobe.

I was already extremely wet from our previous encounter but he seems to just be making me somehow wetter

"Be-because i had to talk to my friend." i said with my confidence deflating as he massaged my arms while slowly guiding us into the classroom.

"Okay. Don't let it happen again." I was gonna fight back but i didn't want to see him angry again. That shit scary.

I'm so enjoying writing this book i hope you guys enjoy reading it as much as i like writing it!!

I've decided to stop the whole "gotta get this many reads and likes" and shit cause i just love this book and whoever wants to read it can.

I don't wanna put a limit on the next update for people who really wanna keep reading soooo.

Anyways i hope you continue to



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Much love 💙

Much love 💙

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