6. Journeys

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- ...did this mirror just swallow her? the Switcher managed to say before it was turned back to its original form and thrown back into its cage.

Reesa's P.O.V.

My eyes widened and I found myself looking astonishingly at my table-screen. After the episode with Serpiano's garden, I decided to personally follow this little oxer's journey throughout this year. 30 earth years have passed and only one month for the AEC (Above Earth Chain). She hasnt decided to stay here yet, but there's still time. The fiercest and the most enduring have reached only AED 7. I do believe she could reach it too, if the next memories dont stop her.

Thinking so much about this oxer made me remember about my own journey. I was an oxer too once and I remember I had to go through a garden first as well. All the fruit there didnt impress me, except for the beautifil shiny little worlic. It tasted like all my favourite flavours all at once and I loved it. Biting onto the fruit got me back in the dark corridor which is called an interstagial tunnel, because you get back to it every time you decide not to stay at the stage you're at. I passed some 5 stages. Until I remembered a day when I was 24 ey (earth years) and first started working. I didnt want to leave anymore, so my journey was over.

The receptionist back then was Eldo, a hyer which came from a far away galaxy and now is head of the Swichers' department.

A Swicher is a kind of a bluish mass and it doesnt have a specific shape, but it can't take one on its own either. They were created for the Mirage Department to use in the scenes they create.

The system of AEC is simple as an idea, created of 9 dimensions, all controlled by Him. Our Boss. Nobody knows who he is or where he is, but what everyone knows is that he possesses more power than we could ever imagine possible. He created the AEDs and only he knows exactly what they all do and why theyre all important in someones journey.

From my experience I deduced that:

AED 1 presents a certain set of memories, from different points in someones life, in chronological order, where they can choose to do things differently and live a perfect life's mirage forever.

AED 2 is where someone can get a guide. Different people who work for Him can talk to the person and try to convince them to stay in AED 2 and work with them.

AED 3 is the place where the dead souls are presented beautiful places all over the different galaxies where they can choose to live forever.

AED 4 is where you meet the different types of creatures. The hyers, the oxers, the wers, this is the place where a lot of scientists from different galaxies end their journey.

AED 5 represents the way in which they can meet tribes like Serpianos. If
a person was a thief or committed something like a small crime in their past life, they are divided in 3 tribes. If they didnt, they have to prove they can live in all of the tribes and not get tempted to change or stay.

AED 6, where not a lot of people get to, is the kingdom of sadness. There, theres no stages, no one can go to the interstagial tunnel. They have to stay there a whole year, and if they resist, they are released, if they dont, they are trapped.

AED 7 is the last stage that someone ever reached and its what oxers call 'Hell'. There, Lucifer, known as 'The Devil', brings a lot of pain into the persons life, such pain that no one could resist to stand. And when they said the words and gave up, Lucifer got to keep them there for eternity.

AED 8 is a mysery to me and AED 9 is supposed to be the moment when a person is ready to get back to their homes, or at least where they came from.

Ive analysed a lot these dimensions, because in my experience I understood one thing. People are given the chance to live a perfect life, but they try to get forward and always ahead. They realise too late that these first dimensions are the best ones. After 4, its just pain, but I can not tell them this. I remember I told Ariana James, just like I tell everyone, that their stay here might be permanent. Well, from my experience, all the people who got here remained here for eternity.

I shook my head to release the thoughts that have kept me stuck for so long and I stared at the table screen again. The Mirage Department and the Swicher Department will have to be a lot more attentive this time when they create this girls stages. She manages to somehow find loopholes that were not even created in the first place. This has never happened before and I'm really interested if she could actually resist all the challenges and complete the journey.

I took my writing tool, which consisted of a small worlic tree branch and a bottle of ink made of bevad grey smoke and I started writing my report for Boss. It was the second time I write a direct report and it is so fun to do that! Ill get to visit the Swicher Department and talk to the Maya Swicher and to Eldo as well. Maybe he has seen what is further the 7th AED. Maybe someone has completed the journey before and I dont know about it.

I sent quickly an anvelope to Him, to the Mirage Department and to the Swicher Department announcing my visit. I switched off my table-screen and used the only means of transportation existent in this AEC, the mind. Theres no map, nobody knows how this AEDs look spatially or where exactly they are situated, so all I can do is say 3 times in my mind 'Swicher Department' and I will get there in no time.

I closed my eyes really tight and uttered enthusiastically in my mind:
Swicher Department
Swicher Department
Swicher Department


Alright I hope I made a bit of light here. I tried to organise the 'system' so that you guys understand it better💖.

If youd like to suggest/discuss something, dont hesitate to comment or send me a message.

P. S. I upload new chapters every Friday, just FYI😏

Love you all👑

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