1.The reception

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I can't stop hearing the screams. Which is quite understandable, because they're mine. My whole body refuses to listen to me and all I can see is a white light all around me, but it doesnt look like im in a room. On the contrary, it feels like im in the middle of a huge light bulb. I rub my eyes frantically looking around in what seems to be plain nothingness until they land on a dot so far away that I can't make a clear picture of it.

I try to get on my feet, but fail. My eyes stay glued to that dot that seems to get bigger by the second. My heart starts beating faster and I scream again as that dot gains shape and looks like is sliding in my direction with a crazy speed about to hit me. When I see it inches from my face I close my eyes waiting for the impact, which didnt happen.

- Ariana James. So young. Mhm... You did that? Impressing...I heard a giggly voice talking somewhere above me.

I look at the strange woman seated at a table in front of me, holding some papers and talking more to herself than to me. With my head spinning, I found myself on a chair facing her.

-Who are you? I asked in a feeble voice realising just now how strange her appearance was.

She was wearing a silver long sleeved dress, which contrasted her black short haircut. Her eyelashes were longer than normal and her teeth, which seemed glowy into the light, were of a silver colour as well. She seemed tall, even if seated and had a sharp voice.

-You can call me Reesa, im the receptionist of the AED 1, which is the first stage in your way to finding the true place where that little soul belongs.

- AED 1? I ask confused hearing my voice echo through the light.

- Above Earth Dimension 1. You oxers call it Heaven, we cant blame you. Boss is really full of power. You call him 'God'. Dont worry, you will manage to get a hold of things during your stay here. Which could be permanent. she started to blab.

I looked at her slightly bewildered.

- What do you mean by permanent?

- Oh, this is not up to me to decide, but theres 9 AEDs, if youre able to survive all of them for a year each, you will be sent back to earth in the shape that most suits your...progress.

- Is this a test? Do I get to prepare? as soon as I say these words a very high pitched laugh comes out of Reesas mouth, which didnt match her voice at all. It was very irritating.

- You were not prepared for life. Who said you'll be prepared for death? with these words ringing into my ears the light bulb disappeared and I was left in total silence. To my surprise, standing on my feet. I stretched my hands out hoping id find a surface to touch or hold onto, but it was useless.

I started walking, no idea in which direction, no idea for how long, but I saw in front of me 3 doors of different colours: a grey door, a green door and a blue door. They looked exactly the same and I didnt know which one I should open.

I stopped for a moment, looked at my hands, at my feet, at the clothes I was wearing and about what Reesa said 'Who said you'll be prepared for death?' I was dead. I mean, I am dead. Its not a dream or a hallucination, it is the mysterious life after death that everyone talks about. I dont know if I should praise or fear it. Looking at myself, I suddenly started thinking about my childhood, about my first remembered memory, one that I just couldn't forget.

It was a beautiful sunny day in my hometown. I was 4 and I woke up to a sudden metallic sound that came from the kitchen. I rubbed my eyes and climbed down the stairs seeing my mother with blood running down her arm. She had cut her finger. I still remember the deep red and the knife with its reflection like a precious treasure, I remember its power. A thing so small caused pain so big, I was impressed, and for a kid... that wasnt good. Later that day my dad took me to a beautiful park, to make me forget the scene. I remembered the green. It was all around us. The trees, the grass, the leaves around the roses. My dad took one of them and showed its red petals to me saying:

- What do you see me holding here? he said in a soft voice.

- Its a wose. I said confidently.

- It is indeed, but do you know her story? Her meaning? I shook my head looking at the flower intensively, as if trying to read its story.

- This rose represents a human life. The leaves and the spikes are green. These are the good and the bad moments in our life. They remind us were alive and make us feel. The red petals signify the love, my darling. From life, derives love. This whole park is green, it is alive, but it isnt as beautiful as this red rose. Always remember that life is not as beautiful without the love.

I ran these words through my head for a long time and as hard as my dad tried to make me forget about the morning incident and fill my mind with a life lesson, I couldnt stop thinking about it. As far as my young mind could understand, I waited for my parents to fall asleep, went into the kitchen ,took the knife and went outside. Above the dark blue sky full of stars and my pulsating wish to see the red, to see the shining metal. The knife, the park, the sky , were all things I first could remember from my life. I dropped the knife and ran into the house feeling that the darkness could swallow me.

This memory has appeared in front of my eyes as from nowhere and I knew I was given a second chance. As a kid, I chose to leave the silver, run from the darkness and embrace the life. Now I knew I had them right in front of me: The knife, The park, The sky. And I knew exactly what to do. With a small smile formed on my face, I took a step forward, felt the cold knob and closed my eyes. First stage, final test.


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