An Eye For An Eye A Zombie For A House

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"So are we all going back to Rei's house to study?" Ami asked. She was always worrying about her, and everyone else's studies.

"Since when did I say that was okay??" Rei asked.

"It's what we always do." Makoto shrugged.

"I say we go shopping instead!" Minako flicked back her perfect hair.

"That sounds more interesting." You sighed. "But I think studying will be more beneficial.." You looked down, thinking about all the exams you had to cram for.

"You've got a lot of books in your bag for studying (Y/N).." Ami smiled at you while also taking pity. You grinned at her and sweat dropped. "I'll carry some for you." She reached over to your bag.

As you walked, your bag was slowly dragging you down. You dropped the bag and searched through it to get some food out. You grabbed a bottle of water and then continued your journey with the heavy bag putting pain on your shoulders. You chugged the drink like you hadn't had water in weeks.. Oh wait. Once you got to your house's street, you saw there was a large amount of zombies on your street. You scowled at them and threw your knife into your writing hand making you drop the empty bottle. You went through the street going for the zombies legs, breaking them and striking them when they're down. After a few zombies, you started to get tired. You saw that more and more were crowded around.. Your home. Your eyes widened, had you left the door open?? They'd surely be able to smell the lively human scent from your house. You stepped back in complete shock. How could you have been so childish?? You had left your memories in that house! Your sanity, your family, their souls.

"Lucas.." You mumbled, stepping back. "Mom.." You felt the tears bleed from your eyes as you staggered back. You grabbed onto the hem of your school skirt and scrunched it up as you watched your tears fall on the ground. A zombie caught a sent off of you and started to walk over. You saw it moving towards you and looked at. Your saddened face turned into pure rage. The thing continued to limping towards you and you place both hands on the knife and held it up high. Once the zombie was close enough, you drove the sharp blade right into it's skull. You then ripped the blade out of it's skull, your damage had made it fall to the floor. You had defiantly killed it, but not in your mind, in your tortured head, it was still alive. You switched the side of the blade so that it was facing the end of the handle. You hammered at it's face constantly. You pure anger fulled into your strength and even made you break it's face. You didn't care, none of the crunches or cracks satisfied your anger. You had broken the face of the zombie so much that it had caved inwards. You switched back to the blade and stabbed its jaw, you sliced through it and even cut it's tongue, splitting the mouth in two. You then moved lower to the neck. You cut it like a madman until the head was only connected to the rest of it's body by only a few pieces of muscle and veins. The other zombies had heard your groans and grunts as you completely thrashed through one of their own. It wasn't like they were mad, they didn't have the heart to feel anything. That's why you didn't care, you didn't care if they felt pain, you just wanted to be the cause of their death. Rid them from the world in the most inhuman way possible like they did to your family. You looked up at the incoming swarm of zombies and got up. Your uniform had been completely ruined. You got up and picked up your bag and began running to the only place other place you could call home. You knew the way like the back of your hand but your salty tears blinded your pathway.


After only God knows how long of running, the sun had begun to set. You still hadn't reached the school yet but running around in the dark with zombies lurking around? No way. You may have never been out at night with zombies, but if Minecraft taught you anything, it was that you shouldn't go out at night on survival. You looked around. You didn't want to sleep in a random persons bed, who knows what kind of bugs would be resonating under the covers. Plus, there were no two story houses here and you never liked being ground level with zombies. You looked around. A truck? That seemed like a bad idea, but you're all for that stuff.

You pulled on the handle, and to your surprise, it opened! You threw your bag into the front seat and jumped in the back. You placed your hands behind your head the looked up at the ceiling of the car. You sighed and closed your eyes, letting yourself drift off to sleep.

"(Y/N)! Come dance with me!" Minako grabbed your hands and swung around the lounge room with you. Rei groaned and rubbed her temples.

"Would you two stop dancing off into la la land?" She grumbled.

"Lighten up Rei! It's the end of the year! No more studies! No more annoying teachers! Just us girls!" Minako giggled and pumped her fist into the air. "How could I not wanting to dance??" She continued to swing around to the beat of the music that was currently playing. Rei looked back down to her phone and grumbled something. Makoto came into the room with some cakes. She placed them down on the couch and took off her apron.

"Lunch is done!" She smiled and placed her hands on her hips, admiring her food.

"Ooh!" Minako walked over to the snacks and grabbed the first one. Ami reaches over and grabbed two, she gave one to Rei and had the other one to herself. You grinned and at the last two cupcakes left, you grabbed one and passed it to Makoto. She was surprised that you didn't eat it and actually gave it to her.

"Thanks (Y/N)." She took her cake and hit into it. You reached back to grab the last cupcake but didn't see any ones left.

"Eh?!" You looked at the platter and then under it. You then quickly looked over to the two girls on the floor, Ami and Rei. Ami looked down to her book and continued to read while eating the rest of her cake. Rei rolled her eyes and pointed to the blond girl. You looked at Minako as a tick appeared on your head. Minako smiled innocently at you and waved. She had a fresh cake in her hand and she placed the whole thing in her mouth at once.

"Minako that was mine!" You ran over to her.

"I didn't see your name on it!" She defended herself.

"Minako!!" You whinged, hitting her back.

"Girls! I-I can make some more!" Makoto pushed you two apart. You crossed your arms and turned away from Minako while pouting. You could tell she wasn't regretting what she just did by the snickering that could be heard behind you.

Rei gasped. "I just had some serious déjà vu." She blinked a few times.

"Oh?" Ami closed her book, ready to listen to Rei's words with interest.

"(Y/N)..." Rei looked up at you. You faced her, thinking she was about to scold you about hitting Minako.

"Yes?" You asked innocently.

"Do you take any interest in robots?" 

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