Finally Meeting Him

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"First day of school, pretty nerve wracking right?" Minako asked.

"Yeah. I'm just glad I have you with me." You smiled. "You're always so good at making friends."

"It's part of my charm." She winked at you.

"Do you think we will make some new friends?" You asked, hiking up your school bag.

"Of course we will!" She smiled. "And even if we don't, who cares? We have each other!" She placed her arm around you.

You grabbed your bag out of the car and placed on your back. You were more halfway to the school so you couldn't go back now. You grabbed a packet of canned lollies and opened it. You started chewing on them while walking to school. They tasted horrible, but that didn't matter, what mattered was filling up your stomach so you didn't die.

You had finished the can and let it fall on the ground. You had reached the school gates and walked in. Everything just seemed worse when you got inside the school grounds.

You dropped your bag outside of your classroom, but didn't walk in. Instead, you walked to back of the school where the uniform shop was. You walked inside and looked around. You had no idea what size you were anymore.

"Lets see now.." You looked at the clothes on display and compared your body shape to the doll that wore the dresses. "Too small." You took the summer clothes and threw them onto the floor near the door. "Let's try winter, whenever that's going to be." You pushed aside the other uniforms and went for the long sleeve winter one. Right now, you were wearing the summer one, but you felt like you'd put on the winter one this time. Even though the only difference was that the sleeves were longer. You picked up the winter uniform and left the summer one on the floor. You walked out of the shop and back to your classroom.

You grabbed your bag and walked into the hallways of the school. You dropped your bag at your locker, locker number 63. You placed your bag down and sighed. "I wonder if the school's water system is still working..." You walked over to the bathrooms to check if your could have a shower, and to your surprise, there was actually water! You immediately undressed yourself and quickly washed your hair and body before the water ran out.


"That was the best shower I have ever had in my whole life.." You sighed happily and dried yourself. You placed on your clean school uniform and then styled your hair into a (H/S). You felt fresh again, like all the blood and gore and been washed away down the drain. You blinked at yourself in the mouldy mirror and then turned around.

"Don't look at me while I'm changing Rei!" You teased her. She got flustered and punched you in the arm.

"At least I don't stare at myself every two seconds!" She stuck her tongue out at you.

"Do we really need to fight in the change rooms?" Ami asked, brushing down her uniform and packing up her sports clothes.

"I can't help it if Rei is a pervert!" You grinned.

"I'm not a pervert!" She hit you over the side of the head.

"OW!" You cried, rubbing your head.

You walked out the room and shivered as the cold air hit your body. You may have been in winter uniform, but your legs were usually covered by bandages. You continued to walk back to your locker, but that's when you heard running. The sound of boots smacking against the plastic floor startled you. You booked it back to your bag where you had left your knife. You were dead meat without it in your hands. Once you had the knife in your grasp, you frantically looked around you, waiting to see some zombie running after you, but there was no one. You heard a cry coming from down the hall and you stepped back. Zombies didn't yelp, they barely even make a noise, so that could only mean..

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