Plans For The Future

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"I can't believe it! They really think I'm immune." You scoffed. Astro shrugged. "I'm still alive because I actually take care of myself."

"That's fair." He said. "We were never really good on hygiene." He rubbed the back of his neck. He would defiantly talk to the others about you being immune later. You sighed and shook your head, wanting to change the subject.

"Were there any other people apart of your group Astro? Maybe one of them..." You trailed off.

"It's just been the five of us. We haven't had any other people in our group since.. well, you." Astro smiled. You crossed your legs and blinked at the stars.

"I mean before the apocalypse, I want to know about you before all.. this happened."

"I had a few friends, none of them were as close as Reno, Alejo, Kennedy and Abercrombie were." Astro rubbed his chin.

"What happened to them?" You asked.

"I.. I don't know.." Astro shrugged lazily and looked back down.

"What about your sister? Do you know what happened to her?" You were just trying to make Astro feel more comfortable around you, like what he was trying to do to you, but Astro felt the way you asked him was a little heartless. He glanced at you sadly. You noticed his change in expression and finally picked up on what you had done wrong. "Ah, sorry. You don't need to tell me." You glanced at him again, he wasn't comfortable. You could tell he was thinking about something, he was remembering what happened to his sister. You knew he was, because that's how you would act when you thought about your family and friends. "How about I tell you about one of my other friends?" You asked.

Astro didn't reply. You began to sweat a little and cleared your throat.

"Her name was Makoto." You stated. "She was very tall, and often did feminine things like baking. I went over to her house once, and it was spotless! I guessed she liked cleaning too." You said, playing with the hem of your skirt.  You blinked a few times, it was getting easier to talk to Astro now. You didn't hear a reply so you kept talking. "She was just as bad at school work as I was. We would both end up being tutored by Ami." You smiled to yourself a little. Just then, you felt Astro lean on your shoulder. You didn't move a muscle and neither did Astro.

"I really like talking with you, (Y/N)." He said. You felt your stomach jump as Astro's soothing words left his mouth.

"I really like you listening." You replied, your voice smaller than normal.

"I'm glad you're our friend."

"Me too, Android."


"Morning everyone." You greeted at the already woken bunch of boys.

"Morning (Y/N)." Reno waved. He grabbed a large wrench from his red tool box.

"What's going on?" You asked, eyeing the tool. "Has Astro has a malfunction?"

"No, I'm okay." Astro's head popped around from the corner. He walked up to Alejo and handed him a shovel.

Abercrombie swung the end of a bat into the palm of his hand, making a nice 'smack' noise. You flinched and inched over to your bad which held your knife. "We are going out for a walk." Abercrombie shrugged.

"Mhm!" Kennedy came out of a cupboards where the food was with a poorly made spear. You grabbed your bag and brought out your sharp knife, making the other sweat a little at the sight of the painful looking object.

"Are we going out for food? Are we out already?" You asked, pointing the knife down.

"No." Reno opened the trap door. "Not necessarily. We are just going for a walk. That's all." Reno jumped down, followed by some of the others.

"You're joking, right?" You asked Astro, who was about to jump down. Astro shrugged.

"It's nice to get out every once in a while. You should come with us." He smiled and let himself fall down. You groaned.

"For a robot he has a pretty thick skull." You jumped down and landed on the floor, the others already beginning on walking. You jogged up behind them and looked around, taking in the area, trying to memories it. You blinked and raised your hand up to shade your eyes from the sun.

"(Y/N)?" Astro had slowed down his walking to stay beside you.

"Hm?" You replied, smiling down at him slightly, you had seemed to warm up to him.

"If you could, would you save the zombies and turn them back human?" Astro asked. Your smile faded away and you cocked your eyebrow up.

"I suppose so." You shrugged. Astro's eyes widened.

"You hesitated." He pointed out.

"Well.. yeah." You bit your lip. Astro furrowed his brow at you. "I've gotten so used to this lifestyle."

"So? You can readapt." Astro crossed his arms over his chest.

"I-It's not that easy Astro." You raises your voice a little. "You're a robot, you can get rid of emotions if you wanted." You rubbed your arm, running your hand over a scar. "I'm so close to moving on, to bring it all back would.. I don't know.." You sighed. Astro frowned and looked away.

"I see." He sighed.

"Why do you ask anyway?" You questioned.

"It's just, well, maybe you could fix everything." He shrugged. "You are immune so-"

"Astro. You have no proof that I'm immune." You corrected him. "I just know how keep my cuts clean. That's all." You continued to walk forward, ending the convocation.


"Abercrombie.. we have been to this store that many times." Alejo groaned. "There is no more cakes here."

"You don't know that! There could be some in the back!" Abercrombie sniffed.

"Come on.." Kennedy patted his back and continued walking through the park.

Astro tapped his index fingers together and stepped closer to you. "You know, Alejo is really good at science.. And human anatomy too!" He smiled nervously. You hadn't caught onto what he was saying yet.

"Oh?" You just thought he was going to tell you another funny story about Alejo before the apocalypse happened.

"Y-Yeah! And I know a lot too. If something were to happen to you then I'd be there to make sure you're okay!"

"Erm.." You scratched your cheek as a bit of pink dusted them. Once you figured out what he was trying to say, you frowned. "Drop it Astro." You coldly told. Astro stopped walking and so did you. "Whatever you're planning on doing to me, I'm not going to go through with." The others didn't stop for you, they kept on walking through the deathly silent park.

"You don't want to even try?!"

"I know it's not going to work Astro!" You snapped at him.

"You don't even feel any remorse?? You could be saving the whole human race! But you don't want to just- just because of some stupid mental issues?!" Astro's furious facial expression died down, he stepped back, shocked at his own words. You clenched your teeth shut as well as your fists.

"And what if I died Astro? Huh?? Would you feel any remorse?!" You looked down at him and poked his chest, making him step back. "I might die because you want to run some stupid experiments on me!" You blinked away tears that forced their way into your vision. "And- And to think I thought of you as-" You looked at Astro, who seemed petrified. "ARGH!" You turned away and ran to catch up with the others. "Mindless android..!" You grumbled to yourself.

Astro tried to reach out to you, and grab your hand or something, but he was too slow. "Damn it.." He cursed.

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