Yoongi's secret.

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Jin, internally sighed. Yoongi entered the kitchen, not even asking me grabbed the plate of burnt pancakes and sadly threw them away, and began tiding up without being asked. "Yoongi, honey you don't have to do it alone." Jin implied, putting her hand on top of Yoongi's, she crouched down to him and saw tears in his eyes.
"Oh honey, come here" she hugged her son tight, and picked him off of the ground. "Mommy, why is Yoongi crying?" Hobi and Jimin asked in unison. "Well, Yoongi is just a little sad, that's all. Sometimes you get sad too right?" She signaled to namjoon, he should take care of the four. "Yoongi, sweety, should I tk with you or dad?" Yoongi shiffeled and croaked out a crackled "You mommy!" Jin, rubbed Yoongi's back and walked back upstairs to his room, sitting down on the bed he didn't let go. He cried a solid 10 minutes before opening up, "I..I'm being teased in school"
Jin, clenched her teeth before speaking, "Why's that honey? You should've told us earlier." Yoongi still held on tight, "they said... they made fun of me because, when we were supposed to talk about our dreams and future job I said I want to do something creative, lime photography or singing. I sang a song and they all made fun of me because I rapped... they said I'll never make it..." Yoongi pulled away from his mom, tear filed eyes gazed at her. "Sweet heart, you can do anything you set your mind to. And when you're a popular rapper, producing his own songs, they'll all be jealous, they might still make fun of you, but you can always write a cypher and blow them away with your words." Jin comforted her son, her eldest cradled in her arms. Her worries, released, she could now, hang the bullies by the toes and roast them. "Sweety, I'm on the parent teacher committee and I know you don't like tattling, but it's also not right to make fun of somebody. Tell me who it was and I'll make sure their parents will know. Also your tiny notebook fell out of your pocket earlier, I'm sure you noticed and I'm sorry I read it, but you've been so sad and tired, mommy was worried." Jin said. "I know, I'm sorry I didn't say anything earlier" Yoongi, her brave little boy looked at her and hugged her tight. "Now, I bet you feel a little bit better telling me, but we also have to tell your dad." Jin said, Yoongi gulped. "Alright, now let's wipe those tears and blow your nose! Then we'll go downstairs and you can help me if you want or you can take care of your baby brother and daddy can help me cook." Jin told Yoongi, his eyes grew wide at the thought of his dad cooking, he wasn't the worse cook, but.."No, I'll help you!" In fear the Thanksgiving meal would be ruined.

Jin, stood up Yoongi still in her arms, he held on tight. "Now let's get you some breakfast, and we'll start cooking after." Yoongi nodded, his face red from his tears and little eyes puffy.

Heading back down stairs, Jin entered the kitchen. "Wow, I'm impressed! You guys tidied everything up!" Jin said amazed, "we helped daddy!" The twins chimed "I swear I didn't touch any kitchen appliances that you might need today" Joon added.

Jin, let, Yoongi down his little feet touching the ground, Joon swooping him up into his arms, "Come here Buddy, I heard you were teased in school" he said, "How did you know?" Yoongi said surprised. "Well daddies know, things like that, so do mommies, we'll have a talk with the principal OK, no one teases my baby and gets away with it" Kissing Yoongi's cheek, and wiping away his tears. Yoongi held gave his dad a big hug, "now if you don't want to help mom, you can..." Yoongi interrupted, "I'm gonna help mommy!" Joon confused, "OK, that's great" Joon relieved but also confused, is my cooking that bad? "I'll be taking the three to the park and you can both help mom alright" Joon said looking at Jin, letting Yoongi back down. "Hobi, Yoongi be good boys and help mom." They both nodded. Before Yoongi could take a step his four brothers came and hugged him, "don't cry, we love you!" They all said, each one giving him a kiss on the cheek.

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