Chapter 18: Gripping Story Ace

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I looked over to my right, there he laid arms crossed over his chest and his flannel over his face, ankles crossed and dangling over the metal bed. He's too tall.

Rolling my eyes at Michael, I focused my attention back at the guard who had already moved back to his post.

Leaning back, I looked over at Jesse, chugging the bottle of rabbit blood and hating every drop.

In fact, I threw it up into the small bin beside the metal bed. "That'll happen, for at least three days." Jesse said reassuringly.

Ignoring him, I moved to the metal bed, "You got anything good?" I asked him looking to his radio and box of Cassettes.

He smiled "Gino Vanelli, Al Green, Ella Fitzgerald....What are you looking for?"

Oldies huh?

"Play some Al Green." I said looking to Michaels sleeping position.

"Not Al Green! He listened to that last week for an entire fucking day." A girls voice came and I looked past Jesse's cell to the girl in the cell who was doing yoga.

I watched as she stretched her leg up to the bars grinning at the guards seductively, their eyes hungry on her in an absolutely perverted way.

"Play Heart." She said leaning her back into the bars smiling down at him with a seductive grin.

Jesse looked her up and down with a longing stare "You got it Millie." He said popping in the tape and watching her as she danced seductively to Crazy On You.

I looked around noticing the other four locked up with us, one other girl who looked rabid and three guys who all looked like weirdos. Except the one in chains who just looked like a psychopath.

"Why's he chained in his cell?" I asked Jesse who smiled up at me "That's Landon, he lost his freedom after he tore the arm off the vampire in the cell beside him." He said calmly.

Oh, wonderful.

Michael was lightly snoring by now, and I grabbed the empty bottle throwing it at his annoying snore.

He grabbed it off his chest tossing it back at the cell, it landed on the ground in his cell. "Isn't it bad enough you got us into this mess?" He asked sitting up and sighing while he moved his flannel beside him.

Slowly he ran his hand through his hair and looked to me annoyed.

His green eyes looked even lighter today, and as I matched them I wondered if he knew he was good looking. I've yet to know his true personality.

It's different seeing him in real life, not just a vague image in my mind or a voice. He's actually here, only problem is he's very good looking.

"I'm not going to apologize for killing them all. I only regret not having taken my time to do it." I stated ruthlessly and proud.

Michael sighed "If you hadn't fucked it all up we'd be back safe and sound at the castle drinking some royal family and eating lavish." He stated as he leaned forward his eyes moving behind me to Millie.

He shook his head, obviously annoyed with her too. Is there anything that doesn't annoy the guy?

Jesse began raising the music louder, probably to shut us up.

The chains rattled in the cell across and psycho woke up, his eyes where full blown red, drool and fangs. He was what people call ravage, completely off his hinges and ready to kill everything and anything.

"Ah! Landon, my boy." Jesse said smiling widely at Landon.

Jesse looked to Michael and I, "He enjoys old love songs, such a lover." He winked to Landon who was sniffing the air and drooling more with his wild eyes fixated on me.

I dipped my head smelling myself on the down low, I smelt like my coconut deodorant.

"She smells sweet doesn't she? She must've just began drinking, probably binged. How many was it Annie Dear?" A southern accent came from another cell, the guy in the cell smirked up at me.

His blonde hair brushed back like a cowboys, and his arms covered in tattoos.

Looking to Jesse, he gestured to the cowboy "That's Ronnie. Don't get too close, he might try to fuck you." He said letting out a breath of air and shaking his head.

Alright, "The last guy that tried to fuck me ended up dead." I said sitting back into the metal bed and eyeing my nails. The red polish chipping off. How annoying.

"How many was it?" Millie asked shoving her face into the bars smiling with wide eyes.

I went to talk but someone cut in, "Twenty eight." Psycho Landon stated grinning over at me.

Was it really 28? Wow.

"Could you all shut up? Some of us are trying to sleep."

Moving my stare to the other guy, he had glasses and a buzz cut with his skinny body lying on the bed.

"That's Jack. He hates everyone." Jesse said pursing his lips "Even the hot chicks." He added.


I leaned into the bars and looked over at Michael who was staring at me, his eyebrows furrowed.

Yup, I'd hate me too.

Guess the world hates me.

Oh my god, where's Lincoln?

Would he tell them all that I didn't do it? That I didn't kill Kris or Vesper? Does Evangeline know I didn't kill her brother?

Vangsvere Academy Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora