Rotten & Paralyzed in a Tropical Paradise

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Juniper's P.O.V:
I awoke to a sudden jolt. We must have landed.. I look out of the window to see rain droplets splattered onto the glass. I smiled feeing a wave of content wash over me. I haven't been back in New Orleans in years, but I decided to move back all because I needed to get away from everything in London. I met Eric from one of his shows 2 going on 3 years back as I was one of the photographers there. Since then we've been like brother & sister.

I stepped off of the plane & quickly rushed into the airport out of the rain. I looked for my Suitcases but no luck. I spent about 15 minutes looking for them & just as I was about to give up in frustration a familiar voice caught my attention. "Ma'am I believe these are yours?" Eric. I turned around & smiled as if I had just won the lotto. I ran & jumped into his arms. "ERIC I MISSED YOU & YOUR DUMB FACE!" I exclaimed as I tightened my grasp. "Well I missed you too Juni." He smiled, spinning me around.

"aHEM!" I heard an exaggerated cough as I quickly recognised who it came from. "KEV!" I quickly gave him a hug whilst laughing. "S'up June ! It's been a minute how are you?" He smiled that same familiar smile. Kevin was the only one (besides Nick) of Eric's friends that I knew & have met. I still have yet to figure out who the other "mysterious boys" are. "Awh I'm doing good," I smiled releasing him from my grasp, "how's Coco, I've missed her too much." "Aww she's good, she missed you too. She's non stop going on about all the stuff ya'll gonna do."

"Ok so if you don't mind, I'm gonna take some of your luggage to the car." As Eric goes to reach for my luggage, I reluctantly moved it away, "Eric I can handle myself, honestly it's fine." "Juniper, I don't care. I'm taking the two suitcases whether you like it or not." I didn't have the energy to be fighting back so I just let him do what he wanted.

As soon as I stepped out of the airport, I deeply inhaled that oh so familiar New Orleans air. I missed this... I helped Eric shove my belongings into the trunk of the car. "Ok June so we're gonna all go back to the guy's place 'Cos first off, we got some music to finish up on & second, they wanna meet you." After telling me this, Eric just rushed up to the drivers seat, leaving me still confused as to who the guys are.

I go to ride shotgun but Kevin quickly placed his hand onto the car door. "Nuh uh kiddo. You sit in the back." He smiles teasingly as he plops himself in the passenger seat. I rolled my eyes & sighed. Prick.. back seat it is so. I slumped into the passenger seat & began daydreaming out the window as all the buildings blurred past us, feeling like I was another world away.

*:・゚✧*:・゚✧ *:・゚✧*:・゚✧ *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

About 20 minutes later, we reached a normal looking house on the 7th Ward. It looked normal enough, but big. "You don't have to bring your shit with you June, we can leave them in the car & just bring them with us when we're going to your place. I'm pretty sure the movers have most of your shit there anyways." Eric said as he made his way up to the front porch. I followed him as Kevin caught up to me.

"Nervous?" Kevin smiles, "Why d'ya ask that?" "June I've know I you long enough. Trust me Ruby & $crim are chill.. when you get to know them but seriously don't worry they'll be nice." He wrapped an arm around my shoulder, pressing me in for a side hug. I sighed, "I hope so.."

We walked into the house, closing the door behind us. I looked around, amazed at how nice & homely the place looks. It was a large open area; on the right hand side there was two couches & a single armchair, a coffee table & a big ass Tv. The rest of the open area on the left hand side, it lead into a kitchen area next to a dining room. There was a big staircase that lead to a balcony-landing.

"Enjoying the sight?" A voice had chuckled while questioning me. I turned around & faced a guy with long, curly-ish hair, one side brown, the other blue. "Uhm, yeah it's very nice.." I replied sheepishly. "Well what's your name?" I looked up at him & swallows the lump in my throat. "Juniper, but Eric & Kev call me June"

"Juniper.. that's a beautiful name. Well I'm Aristos, you can call be Ruby.. or Oddy." He grinned.

E C L I P S E // a $uicideboy$ fan fictionWhere stories live. Discover now