Gabapentin Getaway

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Aristos's P.O.V:

The soft crack of heat that shone through June's dark, drawn curtains warmed my right cheek as a yawn emitted from me. I noticed June was still fast asleep, mouth parted as a soft but audible snore came from the back of her throat. I chuckled as I snuggled her closer, never wanting to let her go.

"Ariiiiiiii, can I have some water my throat is as dry as fucking sandpaper." I laughed as I reach over her to grab some water from the bedside table. "What time is it? My head is killing me." At this point Juniper had sat up, rubbing her eyes as she stretched her arms as far away from her as possible. "It is uhhhhh... 11am" I struggled to read to time as I was still half asleep.

"Ugh I wonder if Scott is awake, we are waking up kinda late." She smiled as he looked at me, her smile just made me want to melt into the floorboards. "Nah, knowing that dumbass he's prolly still snoozin'." "More than likely, we might aswell tidy the room up a bit & get dressed." She groaned as she made her was over to the curtains, drawing them back letting the golden morning sun pour into & flood the room. Juniper smiled as she closed her eyes, feeling the warm suns glow on her skin.

"Orrrrrrr... we could just stay in bed for anotha hour!" Dashing over, I swiftly threw June over my shoulder throwing her onto the bed as I laid on top of her. "Aristos Norman Petrou get the fuck off me right fucking now!" Feeling her body move as she laughed made me chuckle. "Hey I never told you my full name bitch how did you figure that one out?" I smiled as I cocked an eyebrow in confusion, "A female has her ways." She smirked.

"Fine, fine." I gave up knowing I'll have to find out another day. My head laid on her stomach, feeling at peace I decided to close my eyes. The sounds of the early birds chirping along in the morning breeze felt peaceful, I hadn't felt this at peace in a hot minute."It's nice to just relax every once in a while." Finally peeping up, I noticed Juniper had her eyes closed & she was softly playing with my hair.

Moments like these I wish I could always spend with June, the only difference she would be my girl. As much as I want tell her how much I like her, I want to wait until the perfect moment... Just so I know for sure. "Ari?" "Yeah?" I sat up, intrigued to know what she had to ask. "You got a blunt on you?" I chuckled as she smirked, resting her head on my shoulder. "Yeah, let's go to my room & you can chill while I roll up. You wanna share or have your own?" "I'd rather share." She smiled sweetly as she kept up off the bed.

I held the door open, shutting it gently behind me being careful not to to wake Scott up. "This way shorty." I nodded down the hallway signalling for her to follow.

"So this is the famous Ruby Da Cherry's room." She chuckled as she looked around in awe. "I had a feeling you were a film freak." "Hey I'm not a freak I just enjoy the good things in life, such as movies" I smiled as she giggled at the comment she made. "Can you pass me the tray there next to my bed?" I asked as I pointed at my bedside table, "Sure, make sure this is good now Oddy." She smirked as she teased. "Fuck you, you know it'll be good." I winked as her face bloomed vermillion.

In 2 minutes I was done "Voila! One perfect blunt." I smiled in triumph as June clapped gently as she giggled. We made our way down the hall, the morning birds continuing to chirp as the only audible sound aswell was June's bare feet pattering against the wooden floors. "Mornings like these are nice, the weather is also extremely nice today." She smiled as she talked, that was something I liked about June.

We made our way through the kitchen & finally outside. "You guys finally decided to getch'yo asses up huh?" Scott chuckled as he was slumped down in one of the chairs, cigarette hanging from his lips. "Hey in my defence I'm always up early, ion know 'bout him but that's my defence." I stated pointing at Aristos. "Oh ha ha funny." He gave a response matched with a sarcastic look.

Juniper's P.O.V:

About 20 minutes later, the blunt had reached the roach & my stomach began to rumble. "Aye so I gotta head out fo' a couple hours so ya'll don't miss me too much." Scott stretches as he got up from his seat, yawning dramatically in the process. "Aww don't worry Scotty we won't get too heart broken." I said, giving him puppy eyes. "As long as ya don't keel ovah & die of heart ache baby. See ya'll later." And with that, Aristos & I had the house & pretty much the day for ourselves.

"Sooooo.." Aristos looked around, finding something to say. "Wanna go to the mall?" I asked, I had a good bit of cash on me so I wanted to try update my wardrobe. "Sure! Why not, lemme go get changed." Following Aristos up the stairs, I made my way to my room. I think I'm gonna make myself look somewhat presentable.

I slipped into the shower, letting the cool water dribble down my body. I scrubbed my skin & hair, letting the scent of vanilla overpower the foggy air in the bathroom. Once I was finished, I wrapped my hair in a towel & dried myself off. Rummaging through the chest of drawers, I found a crew & black thrasher crew neck & a pair of my black skinnies so I decided to throw them on considering I wanted to stay casual. Glancing at myself in the mirror I realised how tired I looked so ultimately, I decided to just put a small bit of makeup on.

Satisfied with how I looked, I left my hair down normally to dry. Throwing on a black beanie, I made my way down to the sitting room. "Lookin' good as ever June." Aristos stared as I politely thanked him. By now his compliments never made me blush much anymore, they made my stomach do mini backflips instead. "Not to shabby yourself Cherry." I winked as I noticed he was wearing his all over ftp pants, a white G59 hoodie & of course an ftp cap.

I grabbed my backpack & a bottle of water as we made our way out to the car, locking the door behind us. "We should invite the guys to meet us there, they're all leaving to go back to Miami soon & I feel bad I haven't spent much time with them." Suggesting the idea, I was hopeful Aristos would agree, "Sure, be dope to do a mall crawl with the guys while you & Coco go & do your things." Aristos smiled as he hopped in the driver's seat.

E C L I P S E // a $uicideboy$ fan fictionحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن